Monday, 21 December 2009
Mrs Who?
It was then with abject horror that I realised I had turned into Mrs Middle-class Middle aged Twat from the home counties.
Please somebody shoot me :)
Friday, 11 December 2009
I have also noticed that a lot of my facebook friends are updating their status's via blackberry - and I figured I'd get myself a piece of that action!
It is also 3G which means that it will work up here in Sheepsville. Oh yes - my contract is better and cheaper - ie more minutes for less spondoolies. It also has free web browsing which means I can google the answers when I'm stuck at the pub quiz - which is NOT CHEATING - oh no - it's called 'being creative'.
It's arriving on Monday. It'll be three years on Friday before I've worked out how to use it :)
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Can't wait to see what next year brings.....
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
More strings on my bow
I have now decided that I quite like being a fish - and because I never do anything by halves - I am now moving towards my Divemaster qualification. This involves the next two weekends - getting up at stupid o'clock (my course on Saturday begins at 6am - 40 miles away - so a 4.30am start is on the cards) to complete my 'Rescue Diver' qualification - then I have to do loads of study, exams and diving to qualify as a Divemaster - which is like an assistant teacher. I think it's the element of telling people what to do which appeals!!!!
The whole process should take about 6 months - but with this qualification I would be able to go and work in dive centres anywhere in the entire world! Not that I want to do that - but you never know!
It's nice to have more strings to my bow.
Monday, 23 November 2009
If I were a betting girl I would also put money on the fact that neither of them had ever spent any time investigating girl's pants (occupied or otherwise). Which is a bit of a shame. Maybe I should start a charity......."Sticky Girl's pants for Accountants".
Christian and I have a comment for people such as these....'I bet they're lots of fun with no clothes on.." You get my drift?
My lovely daughter is studying accountancy at the moment - and I need to tell her to stop right now before she goes and buys a train set, starts to wear sleeveless grey pullovers, or begins to take a packed lunch in a tupperware container - complete with tiny individual tupperware salt and pepper pots (I kid you not).
I am going home shortly and when I get there I am going to stick pins in my eyes.
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Cliff Rocks!
Yesterday I got a parcel. It contained the tour CD, a tour t-shirt and a fabulous - if exceedingly naff pen - which has the faces of the band - and Cliff - on the lapel clip. These things are uber fab and I love them. I have had the CD on in the car this morning - turned up REALLY loud ...."Got myself a crying, walking, do.......ll"!!!!
I haven't quite got to the stage where I would wear the t-shirt in public - but you can be sure I'll be using the pen the very next time I write a cheque out in 'Poundland' !!!
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Clever Dan!
I am very proud.
Cosmo Smallpiece
Let me have a wee think - and I'll be back in a bit with something interesting (or not) to say :)
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Where have you been? Well - as you can see from the picture - I've been to the Middle East! Jordan to be precise on a lovely diving holiday with Posselq. We went for 7 days - and dived twice a day for 6 days. We saw all kinds of critters under the water and had a fab fab fab time. I must have behaved because Posselq didn't try to drown me even once. That in itself is a big surprise - he had every opportunity.
Friday, 16 October 2009
Working 9 'till 5...trying hard to make a livin' !
Seriously - my new job is quite cool. I am working for a brand new Commercial Property Agents and my role is that of Office Manager / PA. My desk is new, my chair is new and my PC is a brand new shiny - all singing - all dancing Mac - for which I am eternally grateful. Our offices are in a really lovely location in what used to be a dairy farm on a National Trust Property called Upton House. So when I look out of my window I am gazing straight out onto a field full of sheep. It's truly lovely - and what's more it's only a twelve minute drive from our house - so I leave for work at 8.40am, and after finishing at six pm, get home again at 6.15.
I work with / for two gentlemen - one is a surveyor, the other is a businessman - and at the moment I am busily setting up their office systems etc.
So this week I've done three days work - and then am getting my first week's holiday as Posselq and I are off to Jordan next Tuesday for a week of scuba diving in the Red Sea.
Sounds good - doesn't it?
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Man flu - swine flu - Posselq flu!
As soon as I woke the next morning he told me he wasn't going to work - so that meant it was serious - Posselq would have to have a leg hanging off before he would willingly miss work. At this point - had he been Canine, Bovine Equine or Feline I would have called out the vet and asked him to bring his despatching kit.
I dutifully popped down to Boots to fetch a thermometer and some medicines. When I got home the thermometer wouldn't work (what a waste of £14.99 - and time - somebody could have died) so that meant another trip out - this time to Tesco where I managed to find a "Mr Sneezy" strip thermometer for children's foreheads. That'll do nicely!!!
I arrived back home and ran upstairs to the patient - we took his temperature - only to discover that it was normal!!!!
Anyway after three lemsip sherbert lemons - poss decided he was feeling up to the drive to Leeds and duly set off. He stayed away overnight with ne'er a complaint and came home again on Thursday. He did say he felt a bit chilly and so went to pop on his thermal undies before we nipped to Tesco (in the tundra), but all in all he's on the mend now thank goodness.
For a minute back there I thought we might lose him.
Update - I know he's better now as he's flouncing round the kitchen a la Keith Floyd making a god-awful mess!
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
On the dole!
Anyway - my visit and subsequent interview was a tad traumatic. Firstly the place was full to bursting with pikeys. No offence to the mass unemployed - but one glance would tell you why the majority of them are unemployed. I know I'm a bit of a snob (no? really? you're kidding - right?)
I was a wee bit discombobulated to discover that the job centre has had an interior designer in to give it a kind of make-over. Designer carpets, fancy desks, up to the minute electronic notice boards - all a bit worrying if you ask me...I would have thought it would be better if they were grey and institutionalised - a bit like an open prison - and I would have them turn the thermostat right down - it needs to be chilly? right?...but no - it's very comfortable, I could have stayed all day! (if you pay income tax - you should be weeping right now!)
Anyway - my interviewer - was a wee bit amazed when I told her I had applied for more than 6 jobs in the last week and had been for three interviews - I get the feeling that most 'customers' don't manage that in six months - let alone six days.
She asked me what kind of job I was after - Office Manager, PA - that kind of thing.....imagine my surprise when she printed off the details for a night time shelf stacker in a well known supermarket!!! Beggars can't be choosers it seems.
I didn't think it was prudent to mention that I won't actually be able to make my next signing on date, as I'm going to be away on holiday!!! (ouch).
Needless to say once the interview was over I made a hasty exit - came home and spent half an hour in our fumigation chamber. I have set myself a goal to get a job wthin the next 2 weeks so I never have to go there again!
Monday, 5 October 2009
Washington, DC Metro Station on a cold January morning. The man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time approx. 2 thousand people went through the station, most of them on their way to work. After 3 minutes a middle aged man noticed there was a musician playing. He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds and then hurried to meet his schedule.
4 minutes later:
the violinist received his first dollar: a woman threw the money in the hat and, without stopping, continued to walk.
6 minutes:
A young man leaned against the wall to listen to him, then looked at his watch and started to walk again.
10 minutes:
A 3-year old boy stopped but his mother tugged him along hurriedly.. The kid stopped to look at the violinist again, but the mother pushed hard and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. Every parent, without exception, forced their children to move on quickly.
45 minutes:
The musician played continuously. Only 6 people stopped and listened for a short while. About 20 gave money but continued to walk at their normal pace. The man collected a total of $32.
1 hour:
He finished playing and silence took over. No one noticed. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.
No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the greatest musicians in the world. He played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, with a violin worth $3.5 million dollars. Two days before Joshua Bell sold out a theatre in Boston where the seats averaged $100.
This is a true story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste and people's priorities. The questions raised: in a common place environment at an inappropriate hour, do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize talent in an unexpected context?
One possible conclusion reached from this experiment could be this: If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world, playing some of the finest music ever written, with one of the most beautiful instruments ever made... How many other things are we missing?
Dr Drill
Latest news - read all about it !!!!
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Review of the week
Thursday and Friday were spent at Stoney Cove dive centre in Leicestershire doing more learning and more diving to finally qualify as a 30m diver by the end of play on Friday. This was not without hazards and I very nearly drowned as my buddy didn't check that my dry suit was zipped up - and I very nearly entered the water with the zip wide open. My suit would have flooded and I would have ended up on the bottom being eaten by a giant octopus (a la Captain Nemo - you just know it would have happened to me) fortunately my instructor has eagle eyes and spotted the horrific faux pas just before he launched me off the end of the jetty!!! Phew!
On Friday morning I woke up with toothache and a big blister / abscess in my gum. Ouch - it hurt - a lot. I left posselq with the job of finding me a dentist for the weekend -- or Monday at the latest.....then, in the car on the way to the dive centre the afore mentioned abscess popped!!!! Urgh - not pleasant - not pleasant at all. Now I am left with mild discomfort - some nerve pain and the joy of root canal work to look forward to tomorrow - or maybe she will just whip the bad tooth out altogether (it's at the back so no-one will see that it's missing)?? Who knows - but I do know that I shall wimper - a lot.
Yesterday we pottered about a bit then last night we went to a marquee in the middle of a field for Wendy's wedding party. Wendy is our cleaning lady and she is so lovely. When I first moved here she was the only person I knew apart from Posselq and she was always very friendly towards me. Anyway - she's now married to Robert and I hope that they'll be very happy together.
So a quick week review - I'm a year older than I was this time last week - a super scuba - ist, I have two new frocks, an appointment for root canal work - our cleaning lady got married and I didn't drown. Fab X
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Scuba Course in a gravel pit - day one!
All in all a good day - and I am now a qualified dry suit diver. More to come on Thursday and Friday - I can't wait!!!! Brrrrrrr x
Monday, 21 September 2009
Anyway, I popped into Banbury (throbbing metropolis) to our local branch of Jessops to get the job done. The girl who served me was about four and a half years old - so probably has no empathy with middle aged woman wanting the photographer to 'get her good side'.
It's all digital these days - so they can 'ave another go if you're not 'appy with the results. Despite having spent ages in the bathroom and applying much Clinique and Bobby Brown...I wasn't 'appy with the results. Let's face it - it's taken me 46 years to get all these lines and wrinkles - twenty minutes and a hundred quid's worth of face products isn't going to make much difference!!
Now it's not even as if it's my passport or driving license or anything that may ever be seen - (apart from by some bronzed diving Adonis in some overseas dive resort)- so it shouldn't really matter how the pictures turn out - but because I'm feeling my age and therefore rather over-sensitive - it did....big time!
The poor shop assistant showed remarkable patience - especially when we got to attempt number 7 and I had started to enquire about nearby plastic surgeons.
Eventually I had six little pictures that I'm still not that enamoured with - but in a good light with a following wind I could pass for about 55.
What makes it even worse is that Posselq looks about ten years younger than he actually is...mind you - he's had a relatively easy life (until he met me) - so we'll take another look at him in about 2 years time and see how he's doing - shall we?
I bloody hate the fact that I am getting older - if I have to age (which - unless I can get a gig with Dr Who and become some kind of 'Time-Lord'- I can only assume is inevitable) I would really like to do it disgracefully.
Sunday, 20 September 2009
More diving adventures
Posselq has booked us on a week's diving holiday in a few weeks time in Jordan - where the temperature will be a very respectable 30+ degrees - but because he's more qualified than me - if we want to dive together I need more training. (Actually if we dive together he could just drown me and nobody would know.....hmmm.........)
I have a feeling it's going to be a bit chilly in the flooded gravel pit in Leicestershire so a dry suit and some thermal undergarments are in order.
Splish splash......
Jam and Jerusalem
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Never ever..........
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Available on t'internet - Lobsters and husbands.
For some reason Google - when asked for 'Mail order Lobster' directed me to 'Mail order husbands'. It was so chuffing funny I simply had to share it with you. So - if you want a mail order husband - you should click here. My favourites (hmm yes please) are David and Steven - and I especially like Marcus's hat :)
Friday, 4 September 2009
Seeing stars
Monday, 31 August 2009
That is not a good look for you, dear!
Following on from the previous post regarding the Scuba adventures - my next goal is to qualify at 30m in Open Water. Also - to have all my own kit. To get started Posselq has bought me a wetsuit and mask for my birthday. We got them on Saturday in Warwick - from here - and I have to say that whilst wearing them I look like a complete and utter tit :) Instead of looking like Lara Croft which was the kind of idea I had in mind - oh well - ho hum :)
Holiday report
Rightio - as you know I've just been away on holiday. We went for 14 nights to Chania in Crete. We stayed here. It was really fab - mind you I have to say that the food in Crete was a bit disappointing - I love my food and managed to lose about 5 or 6 pounds whilst there!!! I expected the food to be lovely as it is in Cyprus - but alas - it wasn't to be. That would be my only complaint though. The rest of everything was really lovely. Whilst there I managed to fit in 4 days on a scuba diving course with Posselq's son - Kigh - and we were thrilled when after day 4 we passed our exams and qualified to dive to 18m in Open Water. Now I have the diving bug and am busily collecting all the equipment needed. I did learn how not to dive with a migraine on day 3 - when I had to surface rather quickly and managed to 'spray-vomit' everyone within a ten foot radius - including Kigh and our instructor. Good job we were in water and they could just go beneath the surface for a rinse!!! I also discovered that fish love to eat human vomit - anyway enough about that.
Nipple trauma
My name is Michael Caine......
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Home at last - and it's raining!!!
Monday, 10 August 2009
Village Post Office
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Fatty :)
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Viola lays !
The Journey
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Dan's Party
Yesterday Posselq and I drove to the big house in Surrey for Dan's 20th Birthday party. She won't actually be 20 until 15th August - but she'll be away on holiday than with her Dad so she had her party a few weeks early. There was a pig roast, a candy floss machine and a karaoke - as well as about 150 people. It was fab. We had a really lovely time. I can't believe that she's all growed up :)
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Egg - cited!!
Today's egg is slightly larger than yesterdays - so hopefully in a few more days they should have evolved to normal egg size.
If they all start laying soon we will have 21 eggs per week. I shall have to set up a mail order egg business!
Small, but perfectly formed!
Friday, 17 July 2009
Dogs and Chickens don't mix :(
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Chicken update
Esmerelda (the black one) quickly followed her and then came Valentine - down the ramp and away. I let them roam for ten minutes then put Millie on the lead and took her for a little walk round the edge of the garden so she could see the girls and they could see her. Millie just wanted to play with the new friends but the girls were having none of it!!!
I can see that the chicken / dog integration thing is going to take a wee bit of time!
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
The girls are here!
Monday, 13 July 2009
Building the Hen House
Now all we need are some chickens to put in there!!!
It was however nice to meet some of Posselq's friends :)
Friday, 10 July 2009
Hen House
Thursday, 9 July 2009
We have decided to get some Chickens for the garden. I have ordered the hen house - and it should be here in a couple of days - that will need building (flatpack) so no doubt there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth....and eventually we will have a cute little wooden hen house in the garden with two little hens a laying!!!
My cousin's wife has just given birth to a little girl and they have called her Viola Valentine - which I think is a wonderful name - so I feel we may have to christen the chickens with the same names....can you imagine? Chickens called Viola and Valentine? Christ - this mid-life crisis is really taking roots.
Other news - I got a new laptop......for nothing because I signed up for mobile broadband internet. Sorry - I know that's a bit dull :(
Lisa from next door and I went to do the pub quiz last night and after a tense tie-break situation we were rightfully crowned the winners!!!! The old grey matter isn't completely defunct just yet... It just feels like it is most of the time.
Friday, 3 July 2009
Reasons to be cheerful - Part one
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Posselq? - A demi-god? I don't think so.
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
...Never forget....
MIgraine hell
Monday, 29 June 2009
We've had a busy weekend. We went away for a few days - we popped to Whitby, Filey and a York. The weather - although forecast as glorious - was actually misty and wet!!! Posselq bought me a lovely big ring made of Whitby Jet and silver - very gothic!!! We had Fish and Chips - to visit Whitby and not have them should be a criminal offence!
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Weekend away
Shouty Update
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
My life is over..... :)
Monday, 22 June 2009
Thieving scumbags
Talking of cars - on Thursday night somebody used a crow bar and tried to break into mine. It was parked just down the road outside the village hall. Look at what they have done! Fortunately they didn't manage to steal the motor - but they have left me with a big insurance claim and hefty excess to pay - and if that weren't bad enough I have just discovered that my courtesy car will be a Nissan Micra:(
Grand Prix Day Out
Yesterday Posselq and I went to Silverstone to watch the British Formula 1 Grand Prix. Christian and Victoria were there too. It was really great and we had a fab day. I saw Lewis Hamilton, and the cars, and Eric Cantona, and Tamara Beckwith - and of course - they saw me :)
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Bankers (or should that be spelt with a 'w')
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
I love the RAF
Friday, 12 June 2009
Lid Lifting
Thursday, 11 June 2009
No more brown trousers
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Another Lisa
Stepford wives at large
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Bridlington by the Sea
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Golden Wedding
Invented by Tracy ..........
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Bad Back
What have you done today?
So today I decided to make a list of everything I have done........
Went to Curry's to buy a carpet shampooing machine (Millie wee'd on the carpet at the weekend!)
Went to shopping.
Did three loads of washing.
Ironed .......5 pairs of jeans, 5 pairs of shorts, 2 pairs of trousers, 13 shirts, 11 T shirts.
Cleaned the carpet - after fully reading the instruction manual and affixing the handle which required screwdriver, pliers and adjustable spanner.
Spoke to Christian regarding the upcoming British Grand Prix.
Had lunch and read the newspaper.
Chatted to Wendy (the lovely cleaning lady)
Did more ironing - another 5 t shirts and some 'smalls'.
Phoned the Doctors and made yet another appointment to have problematic ear syringed yet again...pardon?
Booked nail appointment
Telephoned my Mother
Went to the yard and mucked out Phoebe's stable - chatted to the 'Electric Gate Fixing Man' about the merits of a Nissan Navarra.
Took Millie for a short walk.
Changed the bedding (involving a huge fight with quilt cover and quilt - some things never change!)
Cooked my dinner - which I am just about to eat!
That's not all as my day isn't over yet - I still have to do my Piano practice.
I think that's quite a lot for one day - don't you?
Posselq has just 'phoned and asked me what I've done today - so I simply told him to go read my blog!
How many more....
Posselq (aka Inspector Gadget - due to his love of culinary gadgets) has bought a Pizza Oven. I ordered him a Pizza peel (shovel!) from t'internet last week and it duly arrived - wrapped up but still looking exactly like a pizza peel............. (how else could they have wrapped it?).
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Richard Clayderman - PAH!
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Where've you been?
I've had a few e mails and messages on Facebook asking where I've been for the last week or so seeing as I haven't written anything on here!!! It's lovely to know that I've been missed.
I have just checked (throughBloggers database) to see who else shared my favourite movies. Hundreds of people listed "Schindler's L...
Today I'm going somewhere but I can't say where. "Shim shams for Meddlers" my Mum would say. Whenever we asked a 'nose...
Guess what happened to me on the way to work today? It was a lovely sunny morning so I decided to drive to work with the top down on my new ...