Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Posselq? - A demi-god? I don't think so.

Posselq is away this week. Not in Leeds, or Gateshead where he usually goes - oh no - this week he is India. Apparently it's almost as hot there as it is here at the moment:)

Because he's quite important at the firm where he works - in India they are treating him like a kind of demi-god. "Meeeeester Johnson, Meeeeeester Johnson" - he said they were only one point short of strewning rose petals beneath his feet.

I have told him to get back here sharpish as the grass needs cutting and the gutters need clearing.... and to bring his head down from the clouds in double quick time - there will be no strewning of rose petals in this house!


  1. Setting up a call centre up over there is he? I knew it!!! :-)

  2. Setting up a call centre up over there is he? I knew it!!! :-)

  3. Ha ha ha - I'm not entirely sure!!! Yet another call centre in Banglahore - I can't cope!!

  4. Ha ha ha - I'm not entirely sure!!! Yet another call centre in Banglahore - I can't cope!!


Beautiful New life