Wednesday 3 December 2014

Tune of the day - Wednesday 3rd December

Over on another social media website (shhhh) we've been highlighting our favourite music choices. I say 'we'...but it's actually a solo venture. I an attempt to begin blogging again after a gap of a few months (we say 'few'...but we mean many) (it's that 'we' again). I was also reminded recently about blogging a a dear friend asked for advice regarding starting a blog of her own.....that got me thinking.

So here's something to start with.....Blower's Daughter by Damien Rice.

This song was used in the soundtrack of the film Closer from 2004. As well as recommending the song.....I can also recommend the film.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Drinks with an old pal.

In case you were wondering...I'm still single. We're coming up to five years now and never a dalliance in sight. The trauma of the last relationship ending has just taken so very long to heal.....

Last week I went out to meet an old friend for a drink (brief history...we worked together some 26+ years ago...found again on FB (as you do) and arranged to meet for a bevvie or three).

It went much alcohol was consumed...I wobbled home...and was later bombarded with text messages of the almost sexual nature!

The next day we arranged to meet for lunch. Both pretty fragile to be honest. We agreed to see each other again, and he was going to call me.

Since then....nothing. Not a sausage (ooo err Missus). Nada.

I AM going to get a cat :)

Friday 20 June 2014

*waves from the barricades*

I'm here. I know you probably think I've disappeared..but no. I'm still here. Which is a good thing...let's face it - if not, you would have heard about it on the International news. A loss so great would have been reported.

I'm in a little town in the North, living in an attic (I kid you not) and sharing facilities with a 70+ year old dutch woman - who is lovely, albeit a vegetarian yoga enthusiast. Takes all sorts.

My job? Well, after a long while of doing the diving stuff and working with people whose manners and standards leave a lot to be desired (think about moody belgians with very bad breath...and angry englishmen with a huge case of small man syndrome...and arrogant teenagers with sex addictions...and ...oh I could go on...but what's the point?)...I now have a lovely little job which involves working from home in the cloud. Suits you, Sir.  Suits me too. My desk is five yards from my bed, and I can work in jogging bottoms. I have a coffee machine.....doesn't really get any better than that...does it?

Past-times? Hiking, just taken up running (more about that in a later post), family tree stuff and photography. Oh yes, and thanks to lovely daughter and her equally lovely boyfriend...a very strange and unexplained addiction to lego. Small people playing house...yes..that will do it every time.

Friends? all still here - apart from the wondrous and voluptuous Fifi La Trix who buggered off to Spain a while back - but she returns from time to time - although not nearly enough...mind you I can't say anything about that seeing as I went off on adventures and was missing in action for nearly four years.

There's lots to tell and I'll get started soon...but just wanted to let you know that I'm back.


Beautiful New life