Wednesday 20 October 2010

Faint heart never won fair lady...

...but maybe a Mercedes might help.

Let me explain. Yesterday La Trix and I went to funeral. Very sad it was too. The man who passed away was a big personality in our area and therefore there were lots of mourners. Among the crowds I spotted Edward. The last time I saw Edward was way back in the early 1990's when I lived in a little cottage (not the same little cottage that I live in now - she's got a thing about cottages). He lived next door with his Mum and dad and his siblings. They were (still are) a lovely family. At the time I had a very nice flashy silver Mercedes benz (oh Lord..won't you buy me..) two seater sports car. I loved that car. It was so 'me'.

Anyway - one day young Edward rang my doorbell to ask a favour. He'd met a girl that he really liked and he wanted to impress her. Could he borrow my car to take her out? Of course I said yes. Why wouldn't I? So he did. And it worked. 

Yesterday he introduced my to his lovely wife - they've been married a good number of years. Who is she? The girl that he took out in my Mercedes. So it worked then.

How lovely X

Saturday 16 October 2010

Lovely day

Well - I have had a lovely day. A nice afternoon coffee date with a man who is a few years younger than me. (oh yes - she's still got it)..and then an evening watching X factor with excellent company and super food. many, many laughs.

Tomorrow I've got a lunch date and then an early evening of admin - before a nice night in front of the tv with the log fire and some red vino.

Autumn weekends. Can't beat them :)

Thursday 14 October 2010

...and that's a whole other story

Have just got back from meeting 'Dear Gentleman Caller". What happened was so side splittingly funny and completely and gobsmackingly bizarre...that I had an idea. I'm not going to write about my dating disasters on here any longer. Firstly because when I've had a drink I often tell my dates about my blog...they go home and read it ...and I probably never hear from them again. That may be something to do with the fact that I sometimes write the truth about what I REALLY thought about them...completely forgetting that I've told them where to go to read about it....(DOH). 

Also - some people who read this blog wouldn't really want to read about my dating life (sad and forlorn though it is) - and I would really like to write about it in more detail.

So I am going to write another blog. Just about that. It will probably be funny. (I hope so).

If you want to keep up to speed with what's happening (or not) in dating land - drop me an e mail...txt...or leave a messsage on here and I will be happy to give you the new URl (but not if you're my Mum).

That's all x

Dear Gentleman Caller


Thanks for texting me last night. It was lovely to hear from you - mind you by the time I was reading text number 17 which was all about your recent golf handicap changes - I admit to being a wee bit heavy-lidded. It was lovely to learn all about your selection of racing cars and the fact that you're personal friends with the rich guy who has a helicopter and who designed and built Meadowhall. I love guys who constantly name drop. No, really I do:)

I do feel for you with your recent struggles with your weight - but you've done ever so well to get down from 22 stone to 20 stone in the last three years. Well done you! Mind you - having your leg amputated probably helped. I mean to ask you - How did the gangrene get you?

Your witty stories probably lost some of their magic when recounted by text - but I am so looking forward to meeting you later today so that you can tell me them all in person. Can't wait.

When I see you I feel sure that I will know you - I think you'll be the rather chubby guy - leaning (obviously) on the bar - talking to the glazed-eyed bar tender about all your numerous achievements and friends in high places. Just so that you'll know me - I will be the small blonde woman with the intravenous gin drip - reading 'The Penguin Guide to Lesbianism for Beginners'.

Can't wait until later - I am so excited.

Kissy Kissy - Love Tracy x

Note to regular readers - of course there will be an update later this evening - please check back for the latest installment :) 

Wednesday 13 October 2010

I just haven't met you yet

Last night I was on the dog and bone for 97 minutes talking to somebody. It's somebody I've never met - a friend of a friend. We like each other (although we've never seen each other). He is interesting and thoughtful and quite deep thinking - and funny. We talked about all kinds of things from our mutual desire to buy a narrow boat to the problems inherent in the NHS. I love it when new people come into my life - usually by accident or by three degrees of separation. I love it when I find people with whom I can indulge my love of chatting . I love talking about all manner of things. I love getting to know somebody - how they work - what they think and feel ...what their desires and drives are - all their aspects and angles. It takes time (I'm usually in a hurry) and it's lovely just to spend that time and really learn. 

On Saturday I am meeting more new people - people that I have interacted with on FB - and who make me laugh out loud. I am so looking forward to meeting them. Learning from them and discovering all about them.

We are social creatures. People are interesting and fascinating and all have their own story to tell. This year I have studied and learned about loads of things...but most importantly I've learned loads about 'folk'...who they are and why they do the things that they do. I have gained compassion and understanding (I hope) and found so much love surrounding me from people who are my friends. I love adding to my list of friends. You never know who is around the next corner.

As Michael Bouble says... "I just haven't met you yet"

Thank God

This morning five of the trapped Chilean Miners have been rescued from their hell hole underground. They have been trapped for 69 days. Can you imagine how that must have been? I don't want to even try. They look remarkably well. It's a bit of a miracle and a testament to their courage and the courage and wit of the rescuers.

Thank God. Thank God. Thank God.

Saturday 9 October 2010

Oh - I'm sorry...X Factor

Here I am on a Saturday night watching one of my favourite programmes. After last week's debacle when silly Cheryl (who has gone right down in my estimation) put through the daft lass with the crap voice and the ridiculous eyebrows (?) who kept forgetting her words instead of the fabulous naturally brilliant Gamu (who since is being threatened with deportation - "Oh well ...she couldn't have gone on the show anyway"...let's all get Chezza off the hook before the loving public turn on her......) and her performance ended up being worse than a very bad working man's club karoake version of God Knows What....

Then we have the absolutely ridiculous Diva Fever - who undressed on stage to reveal an outfit that you would get thrown out of the gym for wearing. It was woeful. Seriously.

Paije started out quite well until he got to the ..'whoa whoa whoa ' bit of his song and then he went a bit astray.

So - so far - we've had nobody who is sparkling. Apart from Tesco Mary...who was fabulous - truly Diva. I know it's only the first week and they're all nervous - that I understand - but so far they've been pretty shite. And how annoying are the audience with all that braying and hollering.......

This may well be the last time that I watch this show - so what the hell else am I going to do on every Saturday night between now and Christmas..... ??

Friday 8 October 2010

Diving pictures from Malta :)

Back now :)

Hello. I'm back. Sorry for the break in transmission - but it was worth it (to me anyway). As you know - have been to Malta with Liz for a week. Had a ball. Met some lovely lovely people. This young lady is a real gem - so much so that now Liz and I are her adoptive Aunties. If you're looking for a touch of handsome young gallic charm - then look no further than this young man. Despite being almost half my age - well - let's just say that when he kissed my hand and looked deep into my eyes while we discussed philosophy....I seriously considered doing a Shirley V and running off to France for ever. Yes - ladies - he's single - and I have his phone number - which I am prepared to release for a hefty sum :)

Whilst in Malta and diving with Jools - I took my Nitrox qualification and am now officially able to dive with super-funky air that can have as much as 40% oxygen!!! Talk about high as a kite.  I only need two more small qualifications and then I will be a 'Master Scuba Diver' which is the highest recreational Scuba standard that exists.

I dived wrecks, and reefs and had loads and loads of fun. - Oh yes - I got a bit of a tan too. 

Beautiful New life