Monday, 29 December 2008

So......How was it then?

How was your Christmas? Okay was it? Eat too much? Off to the gym for the next month? Drink too much? Joining AA? Lots of daft pressies? Off to the charity shop with them tomorrow? Any family rows? Mine was good - really great in fact. Had a ball!!! Parents weren't too much trouble - kids were fine - Nintedo Wii was a big hit. Company was fab. Food was great - I was a helpful elf in the kitchen and didn't get in the way too much (or so I'm told!) Even the dog behaved and only pee-d in the wrong place once! Oh, yes, and by the way I managed to go from last Monday until today without smoking - and still haven't had one !!!! That's what I call a result.

I got a plethora of lovely gifts - including a lovely picture from Dan, a fab driving day experience, a truly lovely piece of jewelry - and loads more stuff - too much to mention - but somebody clearly thinks I have too much time on my hands as I got a jigsaw that it just a huge picture of baked beans on one side, and brussel sprouts on the other!!! (that'll take years!)

Tomorrow I'm being taken to the seaside for the New Year and I'll be back late Friday. I am a very very very lucky girl. xx

Happy New Year :)

Thursday, 18 December 2008

Nearly there now!

Now then, Now then, Now then. (Remember Jimmy Saville? ..........random!) Anyway - a few musings on life in general at the moment. Lots to do and not enough time (as usual). Loads of things planned for the next few weeks ...some dull, some fun and some quite new and exciting:) Emergency chairs will be required on Christmas day as our gathering has grown in numbers - the more the merrier I say - and it won't be a problem for me because I'll be on the Champagne!!! So I'll be dozing on the sofa after the dishes are done! There will be a mix of three generations of two different families - so it will be mad, mad, mad and hopefully there will be many funny moments!

I won't get the opportunity to get to Sheffield again before Christmas - which is sad :( but may go up there again just after the New Year to see everybody who means so much to me.

This weekend includes a fabulous 'dressing-up in dinner suits' party on Saturday and a nice dinner out with amusing friends on Friday. Possibly the opportunity to experience new things on Sunday 28th - which I am excited about - but of course the festivities in between. Then a great few days away for New Year. 

I'm usually a bit of a 'bah humbug' person about Christmas - but I have a feeling that this year it's going to be different! Bring it on!

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Well - I wish it could be Christmas every day!!!

Sorry for falling off the edge of the earth like that! A few people will be wondering if I've met with some terrible accident (or hoping?) seeing as it's been over a week since I wrote anything on here. No excuse other than I've been a bit busy! I'm sure January will see a return to relative normality - but December is just mad. I still haven't finished my Xmas shopping and I'm off to Oxford on Monday and will be away for nearly two weeks. 

I've had houseguests since Friday (two of Dan's friends - who are lovely) have been using the house as a base to go and 'do' London - so I've given them my room and have been consigned to one of the spare rooms in the big house. The weekend involved shopping for a Christmas tree and then the putting up and decorating of the said item (lovely!). I knew that my "Yorkie bars aren't for girls" truck would come in handy at some point!!!

I met Oboe Jane the other night for Sushi and she is now a fully fledged member of the Princess Shiny Diamond group of girls (don't ask!) which is growing all the time. If you'd like to join - just drop me a line!!!!

The coming weekend will involve a party, dinner out and lots of carol singing - then a trip to Oxfordshire on Sunday night to do food shopping and get ready for Christmas :) I'm away for New Year in Suffolk (fab!) but if I get the chance I will pop a few notes on here in between.

I've been doing a bit of stuff for a friend which has taken up a fair bit of time - but obviously I can't say too much about that !!!

Happy Christmas Everybody xxxx

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Christmas Shopping

Okay - we're about a third of the way through our Christmas Shopping. I have gifts for important children, daughter - however - there's still MOTHER, Auntie, Uncle, Brothers and many friends to buy for. Usually I am full of ideas. Everyone is 'phoning me and asking what they should buy for other people - and therefore stealing my ideas!! Marry that with the fact that I have lent my credit card to someone I trust (!) today to do their shopping on line (apparently I'll have the cash by Friday?) - and you can see why I'm in a bit of a pickle. Every year I threaten to start in September - but deep down I must enjoy (in a warped perverse kind of way) the last minute rush - as I always get caught up in it. December as a month runs away all too quickly. Luckily I have no food shopping to do - or cooking - or even a tree to decorate this year - which is a very good thing - because if I did I would now be on my third bottle of prozac and be beating a path to the Surgery to get a repeat prescription.

I may do something on-line later - but perhaps I'll just pop to Kingston tomorrow. I don't even have the usual excuse of being too busy working.

I have to say that if I ever turn into one of those dreadful women who have their home-made Christmas cake and mincemeat prepared by the end of August (no offence) please feel free to either shoot me or take me to a big black man for frolicking and fun - just so that I can get my priorities back into some kind of order :)

I love Christmas xx 


At the moment I am being very spoilt. Today I have received a romantic gift of a beautiful bunch of red roses and have been told that I am to whisked away for four days and three nights to celebrate the New Year in style!!! My Christmas dinner is being cooked for me and my mother and my daughter are welcome too! How absolutely lovely.

Of course - I - like most of us - absolutely deserve to be spoiled and treated like Princess Shiny Diamond, because - as a mature woman of a certain age I am like a fine wine....rounded, intoxicating, and heady!!!

I like being treated nicely and adored - it's fab - and I highly recommend it :)

Scrabble is a board game

In the newspaper on Monday there was a story about a Mum who was horrified when she gave her eight year old son a Nintendo DS Lite to play with - the game was 'Interactive Scrabble'. The words suggested by the computer were choice apparently. T*ts, f*ckers (!), sh*t, and toke were but a few of the offending nouns that so upset Mrs Tonya Carrington of Lincoln. (I confess to guffawing out loud when I read this story!)

Well Mrs Carrington of Lincoln - allow me to help you as  you clamber down from your ridiculously high horse - my suggestion to you would be to throw away the Nintendo DS Lite and spend some quality time with your son playing the real Scrabble board game - or Monopoly, or Mousetrap - or any of the hundreds of other board games that are available. You could teach him to paint, cook, sew, collect conkers, make Christmas decorations, read a book together - not just give him the latest electronic toy and let him amuse himself. Games are meant to be played as a family - in order to teach children how to play fairly and by the rules - and also to enable you to spend 'real' time with your son. You were probably too busy watching Jeremy Kyle :)

(Do I sound like an old fart?)

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Where have you been?

I had a message from Christian this morning asking why I hadn't posted anything on here for a while!!! It's only been three days but I know he is used to me being more prolific - so many apologies to him and to anybody else who wondered where I had gone!

On Saturday I went to Banbury for an overnight stay - dinner was Steak and Kidney pie (home made) with lashings of Henderson's Relish (nothing less would do) - and it was delicious! Sunday morning involved a trip to the Ten pin Bowling - of course I came last - but I did it on purpose so that nobody would guess that I am in fact a world class bowling expert. I was even beaten by a nine year old girl :)

Then on Monday Nicola and I took Millie for a long walk in Richmond Park and then had lunch there. I managed to totally trash the wheel arch of my car whilst attempting a three point turn in a narrow alleyway which had steel barriers (oops) and then scratched all the front end of it whilst turning into her drive. (I am such a tit).

Last night I drove for about an hour and a half to go and have dinner at a lovely japanese restaurant in Swindon followed by an overnight stay there and I have just this minute got home.

In a minute I'm off out to meet someone for lunch and then tonight I'm going to 'Town' for sushi. Tomorrow I'm getting my nails done in Kingston and doing some Christmas shopping - then friday it's lunch with Trish and then a guest staying over until Monday.

Busy busy busy - it's no wonder I don't have time to post anything on here - is it?

Beautiful New life