Monday, 29 December 2008

So......How was it then?

How was your Christmas? Okay was it? Eat too much? Off to the gym for the next month? Drink too much? Joining AA? Lots of daft pressies? Off to the charity shop with them tomorrow? Any family rows? Mine was good - really great in fact. Had a ball!!! Parents weren't too much trouble - kids were fine - Nintedo Wii was a big hit. Company was fab. Food was great - I was a helpful elf in the kitchen and didn't get in the way too much (or so I'm told!) Even the dog behaved and only pee-d in the wrong place once! Oh, yes, and by the way I managed to go from last Monday until today without smoking - and still haven't had one !!!! That's what I call a result.

I got a plethora of lovely gifts - including a lovely picture from Dan, a fab driving day experience, a truly lovely piece of jewelry - and loads more stuff - too much to mention - but somebody clearly thinks I have too much time on my hands as I got a jigsaw that it just a huge picture of baked beans on one side, and brussel sprouts on the other!!! (that'll take years!)

Tomorrow I'm being taken to the seaside for the New Year and I'll be back late Friday. I am a very very very lucky girl. xx

Happy New Year :)


  1. Have a great time - bet you're dancing all night. I'm certainly planning to. Well, until shortly after midnight at least.

  2. Have a great time - bet you're dancing all night. I'm certainly planning to. Well, until shortly after midnight at least.


Beautiful New life