Friday, 3 July 2009

Reasons to be cheerful - Part one

I've just been trawling through facebook. Quite random - I don't have that many friends but the ones I have are sometimes quite funny. I like the comments and quips people leave on other people's status posts. I love my friends - and miss the ones that I don't see very often. 

Life is short - and unfortunately none of us know when our appointment with the Grim one is booked for. It's not like a hair appointment is it? Can you imagine making that call....... "Oh hi - it's Tracy here. I have an appointment for 3pm today and I need to change it as my car has a puncture"..can you imagine? That would be cool!

Once we've gone - that's it. There's no coming back to fix something - or make amends. No second chance to tell somebody that we love them because we were too busy to say those words that last time we saw them.

Our time here is limited - so I think we should grab every second by the throat and shake it until it gives us joy, laughter and love.

I'm not quite sure what's come over me this morning! (and if that's not an opening for a double entendre I don't know what is!)

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