Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Small, but perfectly formed!

Yesterday was a day of great excitement here at "Free Range Towers". I went out to muck out the chickens in the afternoon - and found our first egg!!! I was so excited!!! I have no way of knowing which of the girls laid the little miracle! I went rushing round next door to tell Lisa as I was so keen to share the news. Posselq was in a meeting and had his phone switched off - so I had to find somebody to tell!
I have duly cooked said egg for Posselq's breakfast this morning before he set off to work. So today - he's gone to work on an egg. I don't think he'll get very far as it was a small egg - (as you can see from the 'comparison with Tesco egg' picture) but it fried perfectly, and tasted delicious. The adjective used to describe the taste was 'Yellow'. It tasted very yellow. Hopefully it's the first of many.


Beautiful New life