Thursday, 9 July 2009


Well - it's been a while! What's been going on? I've been a bit busy is what! Last weekend I went to Wembley with Posselq to see 'Take That' and it was fantastic! There were ten of us altogether - and I only knew two of the others so it was really great to meet new people. The concert was amazing - really amazing and I had a ball - dancing and singing and all that doodah. This coming Sunday we're off to see Oasis - so I'll let you know how that goes too.

We have decided to get some Chickens for the garden. I have ordered the hen house - and it should be here in a couple of days - that will need building (flatpack) so no doubt there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth....and eventually we will have a cute little wooden hen house in the garden with two little hens a laying!!!

My cousin's wife has just given birth to a little girl and they have called her Viola Valentine - which I think is a wonderful name - so I feel we may have to christen the chickens with the same names....can you imagine? Chickens called Viola and Valentine? Christ - this mid-life crisis is really taking roots.

Other news - I got a new laptop......for nothing because I signed up for mobile broadband internet. Sorry - I know that's a bit dull :(

Lisa from next door and I went to do the pub quiz last night and after a tense tie-break situation we were rightfully crowned the winners!!!! The old grey matter isn't completely defunct just yet... It just feels like it is most of the time.



  1. Hey.... You didnt say how good it was to see your old mate from Surrey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xx

  2. Hey.... You didnt say how good it was to see your old mate from Surrey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xx

  3. Thank you for update! about bloody time. Chickens should be called Rosemary and Thyme, Sage and Onion, Roast and Potatoe, Wallace and Gromit, Jim and Fluffy, Malcolm and Maria!!! CofL!!!!

  4. Thank you for update! about bloody time. Chickens should be called Rosemary and Thyme, Sage and Onion, Roast and Potatoe, Wallace and Gromit, Jim and Fluffy, Malcolm and Maria!!! CofL!!!!

  5. You can't call a chicken Jim - if you called it Jim it would have to be a cock - oops I've just realised how that reads!!!! Sorry Jim :) xx

  6. You can't call a chicken Jim - if you called it Jim it would have to be a cock - oops I've just realised how that reads!!!! Sorry Jim :) xx

  7. You can't name chickens after a beautiful little baby either. Carefully decided upon names that some family member then goes & names chickens after!!! You should call them Kiev & Noddle - good honest chicken names!

  8. You can't name chickens after a beautiful little baby either. Carefully decided upon names that some family member then goes & names chickens after!!! You should call them Kiev & Noddle - good honest chicken names!


Beautiful New life