Monday, 5 October 2009

Latest news - read all about it !!!!

I've just had a message on Facebook from my beloved daughter asking me to write something on here as she has nothing to read. I think perhaps she should be reading her university books seeing as she has just embarked on a second degree course at Bournemouth Uni - but - clearly not!!!

I can see that I have been a bit remiss with the blogging of late and for that I apologise. I have, however, been a bit busy!

So - what's been happening in the throbbing metropolis that is Banbury (not by the sea)?

The chickens are doing well - all laying at least one egg per day - mind you the other day we had an egg count of four - so somebody (cluck cluck) is clearly working overtime. I managed to decipher a recipe for Green Tomato chutney last week and created 6 jars of the same - very nice too.

On Saturday night we had Lisa and Giles from next door round for dinner with their two little girls - Lisa is a vegetarian - so that involved creating a veggie burger with cous cous and other unmentionable ingredients...I just don't 'get' vegetarians...although as Veggies go Lisa is very nice - and not at all pale, fainting or ridiculous.

In just over two weeks time Posselq and I are off to the middle east for a spot of diving - 7 days in Jordan (is that a Peter Andre quote?) to be enjoyed - a last bit of sunshine before the winter really kicks in.

I have applied for about 7 or 8 jobs in the last few weeks - have been for three interviews and as I write this am still jobless. I was quite annoyed by one company when I applied, chatted to one of the directors on the phone - went for an interview - and then heard absolutely nothing - despite being promised a response before then end of the same week! I know that job applicants far outnumber jobs advertised at the moment - but that surely doesn't obliterate the need for basic manners - does it? A simple note in the post saying - "thanks - but no thanks" would have been fine - but to just be completely ignored? very rude!

Finally as I sit here I am trembling with fear. Later today I am due at the dentist for some fairly extensive root canal work. I just know - despite the lovely lady dentist's reassurances - that some pain is heading my way. Today I am going for drilling and packing - with the remainder of the work to be carried out when I return from our diving holiday (that's if I return - hopefully Posseql won't drown me!!)

So that's the latest news....dull isn't it?


  1. The only vegitarian we have in our house is the cow just before we cook it. :-)

    Job? I thought you were a lady of leisure now.

  2. The only vegitarian we have in our house is the cow just before we cook it. :-)

    Job? I thought you were a lady of leisure now.


Beautiful New life