Friday, 11 December 2009


I have just ordered my new phone. Apparently my contract phone was due for an upgrade about 8 months ago.  Shame that Vodaphone neglected to inform me of this (..yes - I know - it's my responsibility to remember these things - but I have all on these days remembering what day it is). Anyway I have ordered a Crapberry. I had one before when I worked within the realms of madness and people would send me shitty e mails at stupid o clock telling me off for being crap at something - and I vowed never to have another one. But my life is much calmer now - and my e mail traffic consists mainly of love messages from my beautiful daughter, and 'hi - how are you doing?' messages from old friends, together with e mails from Posselq during the day...all of which are lovely to receive. I also get "spend more" e mails from e bay and Amazon - non of which I mind because I tell myself that these people are my friends(!).

I have also noticed that a lot of my facebook friends are updating their status's via blackberry - and I figured I'd get myself a piece of that action!

It is also 3G which means that it will work up here in Sheepsville. Oh yes - my contract is better and cheaper - ie more minutes for less spondoolies. It also has free web browsing which means I can google  the answers when I'm stuck at the pub quiz - which is NOT CHEATING - oh no - it's called 'being creative'.

It's arriving on Monday. It'll be three years on Friday before I've worked out how to use it :)

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunatly you will compare it to your iPhone and not be happy with it. :-)


Beautiful New life