Monday, 23 November 2009


I have just spent the day with two accountants. Not one - which would be torture enough - but two. Now that they have gone from this place I have the urge to do something very naughty. Accountants don't laugh, they find it hard to even crack a smile - but get them talking about the merits of different coloured pens, and stamps, and the features of Microsoft Excel - and well, there's no level of excitement like it. I now know where Nick Park got his ideas for Wallace from. During the conversation it transpired that both of them - (although one would have been bad enough) - still live at home with their mothers. These weren't young men - no - If I were a betting girl I would lay odds on both of them being the wrong side of 45.

If I were a betting girl I would also put money on the fact that neither of them had ever spent any time investigating girl's pants (occupied or otherwise). Which is a bit of a shame. Maybe I should start a charity......."Sticky Girl's pants for Accountants".

Christian and I have a comment for people such as these....'I bet they're lots of fun with no clothes on.." You get my drift?

My lovely daughter is studying accountancy at the moment - and I need to tell her to stop right now before she goes and buys a train set, starts to wear sleeveless grey pullovers, or begins to take a packed lunch in a tupperware container - complete with tiny individual tupperware salt and pepper pots (I kid you not).

I am going home shortly and when I get there I am going to stick pins in my eyes.

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