Tuesday 10 November 2009

Cosmo Smallpiece

There's not really a lot happening around here at the moment - nothing funny or exciting anyway. The latest news from the Domestic Goddess front is that I have recently made Chicken Balti pies again, created some Pineapple jam, helped Posselq pickle some eggs(!), the chickens are still laying, Millie has a new dogwalking-lady friend (and God knows where they go but you've never seen or smelt a scruffier dog)....my ear has gone blocked again and requires some attention of the syringing variety - however getting an appointment at the Doctors when you're working 9-6 every day is a bit of a challenge.....oh yes - and my eyesight is getting crappier by the day. I'm off to get them tested on Saturday - but suffice to say that my specs have stopped working - and new lenses are required. Soon I'll be looking like Cosmo Smallpiece (if you don't know who he is I suggest you Google him) with bottle-bottom lenses.

Christmas is approaching faster than a speeding bullet - and so there's all of that festive palaver to get involved in.......'Ho Ho Ho'......and today my new thermal underwear arrived at work by the wonders of Internet Shopping and DHL, so off I popped to the ladies loo, put them on and was toasty for the rest of the day...no more shivering for this girl at the coal face. Oh No! I have to report that they're not up to my usual sexy frilly undies standard - but you know what? I don't care...warmth is everything right now! They go very nicely with my new brushed cotton PJ's!

So - to summarise - we have new warm undies, a blocked ear'ole, new PJ's, enough Pineapple jam to float a boat (or rather - sink a boat), a stinky knackered dog, a jar of slowly pickling eggs, and we're looking at getting a Labrador and a white stick!

Good round 'ere...'innit? (pardon?)

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