Tuesday 2 June 2009


Posselq (aka Inspector Gadget - due to his love of culinary gadgets) has bought a Pizza Oven. I ordered him a Pizza peel (shovel!) from t'internet last week and it duly arrived - wrapped up but still looking exactly like a pizza peel............. (how else could they have wrapped it?).

On Thursday night we went to see Nickelback at the O2 in London - and it was fab - so Pizza making was done on Friday night (we couldn't do it Saturday on account of the Grande Finale of BGT).

The dough was created in the bread maker (gadget?) and then the toppings were applied. The oven was hot - HOT - HOT -(so hot that the Pizza stone broke!)  but - despite this little setback the pizzas were lovely.  Shame the same couldn't be said about the dough balls - but they just didn't cook properly.


  1. Looks good but I always prefer to make my bread by hand. :-)

  2. Looks good but I always prefer to make my bread by hand. :-)


Beautiful New life