Sunday, 21 September 2008

Dole queue

The Credit crunch has well and truly bitten here at our house. I worked for a Property Investment Company (notice I say 'worked' ) - that's because on Friday about seven eighths of our workforce was made redundant. Me included :( Fortunately for me I have savings - so can go a few months without working and take the time to work out exactly what I want to do next (all ideas gratefully received!!) but many of my colleagues aren't in that fortunate position. Some of them won't be able to make their mortgage payments this month. Friday was a dark day.

However - as one door closes another one opens and opportunities present themselves all the time - but to see them you have to have an open mind and be in a place where you can recognise them as opportunities - and as many people know - what seems at the time to be a disaster often turns out to be a blessing in disguise.

So tomorrow I'm meeting an ex-colleague for coffee before we go into the office to empty our desks - then off to the Job Centre to sign on (I'm getting the £40 per week and having my NI stamp paid) with the hordes of 'the great unwashed'!!

It's along time since I've been jobless and unemployed - I'm quite looking forward to the time off to have a proper think!!!


  1. Oh no! that's awful :( If anyone can turn this to their advantage, it's you! Hope your freinds will be ok though.

  2. Oh no! that's awful :( If anyone can turn this to their advantage, it's you! Hope your freinds will be ok though.

  3. T that sucks but as you say it could be a blessing in disguise! xx

  4. T that sucks but as you say it could be a blessing in disguise! xx


Beautiful New life