Tuesday, 9 September 2008

A night out with my big brother

Last night I had a lovely time. I went up to 'Town" (she's getting to be a bit of a regular enjoying the 'high-life' up in London Town) to meet my big brother Russell and his girlfriend Sarah. We met up and then went for drinks in a bar in Covent Garden market place - whose name escapes me for the moment (alzheimers again!!) and Sarah had two cocktails which each had four spirits in!!!! The cocktails were a funny green colour and didn't look all that great - but they were mighty tasty!!!  Me - being the sensible one - just had two gin and tonics. Then we tottered across the square and went here for dinner.

I had a rib eye steak (which I love) and was not disappointed - and to start with a nice Mozzarella salad (also one of my favourites). We didn't have room for desserts!!! 

After dinner we went for a stroll before all getting on the tube again to go home.

When we were kids Russell always used to protect me. I remember starting at senior school and he was in the final year - and every night at the bus stop he used to make sure that I got on the bus okay and didn't get squashed or pushed around by bigger older kids.  As I was growing up he was always there looking out for me and making sure that I was okay. Woe betide any boy who upset me when I was young as he would always 'go and have a word'. He makes me feel safe and taken care of - which is a lovely thing. I am very fortunate because I come from a great italian family and we are all very close and loving. I'm truly blessed.

We get on very well and always have a really good giggle when we get together. He has this really funny thing that whenever he eats anything his nose runs!!! He also has a spazzy eye which opens really wide whenever he is draining a drink or yawning. Dan had the same thing when she was a baby and the whole family laughed so much about that. She has grown out of hers - but he still has it!!!

I love my big brother very much - but looking at the photo I don't think we look at all alike. Do you? Maybe one of us belongs to the milkman? (Don't tell my Mum that I said that!)


  1. lovely coat... MY COAT may i add?!!!

  2. lovely coat... MY COAT may i add?!!!

  3. My nose runs a bit when I eat, its very annoying especially when you're in a fancy restaurant.

  4. My nose runs a bit when I eat, its very annoying especially when you're in a fancy restaurant.

  5. You do look-a-like mate! x

  6. You do look-a-like mate! x


Beautiful New life