Friday 19 September 2008


Q Why do things happen?
A Everything happens for a reason
Q What could the reason be?
A Sometimes the reason is not clear at first - and not knowing the reason can be painful and confusing
Q When does it become clear?
A Eventually - when the time is right and you have gained more insight
Q Will it become clear when I look back?
A Oh yes, with hindsight everything becomes crystal clear
Q So - why do things happen then?
A Because of the Universe
Q What's the Universe got to do with it?
A Well, the Universe will give you everything that you need at exactly the right time. It will give you the knowledge, and the strength, and the patience and the courage to have everything you want
Q How do I get all of these things?
A You just simply have to ask for what you need and want and the Universe will deliver
Q Will I always recognise it?
A With hindsight you will - often what comes to you as a problem or difficulty will reveal itself to you a bit later as an opportunity
Q So what do I need to do?
A You just need to trust. That's all.
Q That sounds simple?
A It is - just have faith.


  1. Yes - and I'm bringing a load with me next weekend so that I can corrupt your children and your wife :)

  2. Yes - and I'm bringing a load with me next weekend so that I can corrupt your children and your wife :)


Beautiful New life