Saturday, 13 September 2008


Today I'm in a very crosspatch mood. I've only been up for just over an hour and I've already wanted to smack three people. That wouldn't be so bad but so far I've only come across three people!!! I've just been to the yard to feed Phoebe and there's this woman who insists on parking her car right by the big double yard gates in a position which makes it really difficult for everybody else to get in and out of the gates. She does it every day - and every day I am just inwardly mildly irritated at her thoughtlessness - but today there's nothing mild about it. Today I'm in the mood to commit a murder and therefore I could have cheerfully stabbed her, and then run around the car park laughing like a maniac. 

Then there are people who drive around our estate at 7.30am and think that it's so early there will be nobody else on the road. They hurtle around in the middle of the road and just as you come around a bend - there they are - bearing down on you at 50mph...twats....they actually deserve to have a front-ender with my 'yorkie bars aren't for girls' truck because I know who would come off worst. 

And then there's the eastern european cleaner who comes to do the big house  - she who ruined my trousers last week (slavic b**ch) - she's here now making a stupidly loud racket with the vacuum cleaner - in a minute I shall go through there and ram the sodding tube right up her a**e....oh and if that's not enough - yesterday I got a work e mail from some 22 year old slag telling me that I'd done part of my job wrong - which wouldn't be so bad in itself - had she not copied half the f***ing board of directors into the e mail also. Snidey back-stabbing double-dealing b**ch. When I see her again I'm going to chuck her through the second floor window.

If I stand still long enough perhaps a queue of people who want to take the piss will form..  ...............anyone else? I'm taking everybody on today.

Told you - bad mood.

Today is going to be a long day. I'm going back to bed now and see if I can wake up later in a better mood :(


  1. I know how you feel ... i work in a place where the "culture" is to cc all your managers and all their managers.

    If you have a f***** issue speak to the person direct instead of trying to stab em in the back!!!!

  2. I know how you feel ... i work in a place where the "culture" is to cc all your managers and all their managers.

    If you have a f***** issue speak to the person direct instead of trying to stab em in the back!!!!


Beautiful New life