Sunday, 7 September 2008

Funny TV

On the recommendation of a friend I have just watched episode one of this. I ordered the DVDs of series one and two last week. Have you watched it? It's very very very funny. I was laughing out loud from the very beginning. 

Quotes I liked are:

"Don , do you want me to fellate you?"

"Divorce has brought your eyebrows down"

"15 years in the desert down there"

"Given the opportunity I would take it up the a**e until I'm blue in the face"

"Like a cobra swallowing a horse"

...and the scene where Jill is dancing at the support group to 'Lavender's blue dilly dilly' was sidesplittingly funny.

I love it - and will watch more episodes tomorrow :)


  1. Its cringe worthy but you get drawn in to watching it.......hehehehehehehe

  2. Its cringe worthy but you get drawn in to watching it.......hehehehehehehe


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