Sunday, 14 September 2008

Hello Garry Pilkington

When I left Sheffield nearly three years ago I left behind some great friends. Christian and Victoria, Jacqui and Melvyn, Dearest Moya... and Mel and Garry Pilkington.

Garry has a daughter called Sophie who went to school with Dan so we used to share the school run.  Sophie had a horse that lived at the same yard as our neddies - Sophie actually owned Bugsy before we bought him for Dan. Garry and I spent many many evenings together taking Dan and Sophie to Pony club classes - and then scoffing fish and chips or Macdonalds on the way home. Garry is a sparky so if ever I needed anything electrical doing at the house - or proper man's diy - I could always ask Garry and he would help me. He put up garden lights for me, a new light fitting in my dining room, a new light fitting in a very treacherous place on my staircase - and other jobs too numerous to mention (including removing the triffid leaves from the windows of the cottage every time they threatened to take over the world)!!! 

He looked after the green pea car for me when I left Sheffield and then got it roadworthy again in time for me to fetch it for Dan when she passed her driving test.

When Dan had Mimi (horse from hell) Garry would always be there to lead her into the show ring because the bloody horse would rear up and back away if left to her own devices. He has transported our horses to and from Pony Club camp over in Humberside at least two years running. One day we went to a pony club rally and Sophie's horse was so naughty he wouldn't go into the trailer - Garry got some very stern looks from other Pony Club Mum's as he attempted to beat the horse into the trailer at the end of the day - and on another occasion we both sat on the bonnet of his land rover eating butties watching Dan and Sophie trying in vain to get Charlie and Bob (reluctant show-jumpers) over fences in the middle of a huge field - the pony club instructors just gave up in the end!!!

We have followed the hunt (on foot) together a few times too - through muddy fields and coarse hedges. - Now that is a fun day out - freezing bloody cold, knackered, starving hungry and covered in thick mud!!!

Every Friday night after riding lessons we would go to the "Coach and Horses" in Dronfield for a bite to eat. Garry goes shooting and because of him we have all tried deer meat!!!!

I've just spoken to him on the 'phone because I'm off up t'north in two weeks time and we always get together when I go home. Usually for a huge cooked breakfast - and that's something we used to do every Sunday morning without fail!!

I miss my friends up north very much - so I will be thrilled to see Garry and Mel again in a couple of weeks time.

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