Monday 29 September 2008

Weekend at home - Day Two - The Christening

Tracy, Christian, Victoria and Amelia, Tim (in church - really close to a crucifix!!)

Sunday morning dawned bright and early and after a shower and breakfast at Helen and Andrew's house I then drove back down the M1 to South Sheffield for Amelia's Christening. Going into Church I recognised David Callaghan, a fellow blogger, and then I spotted Chris Hill. The other Godparent, Tim is also a blogger - but he doesn't write that much!!! That was quite weird - meeting people who I feel that I know because of what they write - actually in the flesh. David was with his partner and his cute son Luke - and I've read all about Luke (named after Luke Skywalker) so it was lovely to finally see him. 

The service was great - the Vicar was a little like Peter Kay - in a funny kind of way - and very jolly. The singing was a bit strained as they were all hymns that we didn't really know - but we gave it our best shot.

It was great to see Victoria's lovely Mum again, and David and Dianne, Justin and Claire and the children, Gran and Eric, and fantastic to see Rob and Lucy. We had a lovely lovely lovely day - and the food was awesome. I also have to say that the Briddon children are so very lovely - Amelia didn't cry once all day - and Alice only cried for a minute because somebody (!) trod on her foot with a stilletto heel (quick - call Social services)

It was a lovely, lovely, lovely day - and I was really sorry to leave my friends at the end of the day and drive back down to Surrey :(

Christian, Alice and Victoria

My dear, dear friend - Christian

Tim and Tracy - Godparents with Amelia

Tim  Tracy Rob and Lucy (Godparents) with Amelia and Alice

Tracy and Dan

Rob and Lucy


  1. I have to say I do look very handsome in a suit. ;-)

    It was really great to see you too.

  2. I have to say I do look very handsome in a suit. ;-)

    It was really great to see you too.

  3. I still feel really bad about that stilleto thing! Oh well better me to do it than someone else - I'd have gone mad!

    Lovely to see you both (Jan should have come too - we could have checked him out!). I love to hear your laugh!xx

  4. I still feel really bad about that stilleto thing! Oh well better me to do it than someone else - I'd have gone mad!

    Lovely to see you both (Jan should have come too - we could have checked him out!). I love to hear your laugh!xx

  5. I love to hear my laugh too - not been doing that much of that lately - but yesterday was the best day I've had for ages - I had the very best time...lots of fun xxx

  6. I love to hear my laugh too - not been doing that much of that lately - but yesterday was the best day I've had for ages - I had the very best time...lots of fun xxx


Beautiful New life