Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Weighty Issues

I'm putting some weight on. I've actually got quite a bit bigger in the last ten days or so - which is extremely weird seeing as I have only just (yesterday) got my appetite back and have been eating like a sparrow recently. My jeans (3 pairs) are all feeling a bit snug - and I wouldn't like to try and squeeze into any jodphurs right now. My first question to anybody else who was saying this would be '"You're not pregnant are you?" - but unless it was the second immaculate conception - that's not the problem. Despite all I was told as a child I do know that you don't get pregnant from sitting on public toilet seats, looking at boys, or any of those dreadful mythical activities that carry the threat of pregnancy -(exactly how f**cked up were our parents for filling our heads with all that nonsense when we were kids?) - I do know how to get pregnant - it requires some sexual activity - and there are more swimming pools in the Sahara Desert than there is bedroom activity in my life right now!!! (more's the pity - and believe me - I'm working on it!)

So maybe it's just middle age spread? I'm not sure really. But I know that there has always been a direct correlation between what you shove in your mouth (!) and what subsequently rests upon your hips and belly. Even my boobies are getting bigger - (let's be thankful here for small mercies - and goodness me - they are very small mercies!)

Maybe I'm a victim of a phantom 'feeder'. Some random guy who likes his women 'BIG' sneaks into my room late at night, and then feeds me while I am asleep. I watched a tv programme about 'feeders' a few weeks ago - please tell me - how screwed up is that?

Mind you - it might just be down to the fact that I'm spending all my time recently sitting on my backside at the computer.


  1. There's more of you to love! That's what I'm told, since I've gained a few extra pounds!(Well quite a lot of extra pounds really!)

    Christian was very comforting (as you can imagine) when I told him I was now a 38D bra size - he said "To be honest, it is mainly back fat!"
    Oooh let's hope he never changes!!!

  2. There's more of you to love! That's what I'm told, since I've gained a few extra pounds!(Well quite a lot of extra pounds really!)

    Christian was very comforting (as you can imagine) when I told him I was now a 38D bra size - he said "To be honest, it is mainly back fat!"
    Oooh let's hope he never changes!!!


Beautiful New life