Monday, 27 October 2008

More Muffin top news

Well - eating out twice in one day isn't going to help - now is it? I had a Pasta Lunch with Nicola at Zizzi's in Kingston  - where two hours flashed past in the blink of an eye - very enjoyable - much laughter - discussing mothers (yea gods) families (nooooooooo) and other girlie things - including recent 'life' updates (fantastic) - and then tonight I have taken a house guest out for a curry. Because of the muffin top worries I only ordered Indian starters - but made the mistake of ordering enough to feed six people - and then had to try and eat them all!!! As a result I am feeling even more podgy, and have my top button undone as I sit and type this.  Tomorrow night I'm having Thai Curry (or so I'm told by a friendly lumberjack) and then after that I'm going to have to go on a diet of dust and fresh air for a few weeks. I cannot bear to grow a winter warmer layer - I really cannot bear it. I don't ever want to be called 'fatty'.

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