Tuesday 28 October 2008


Recently somebody said to me that I can be a bit scarey - they weren't the first person to tell me this - (imagine how much bravery they would have had to find to impart this observation to me- yikes!) but maybe they'll be the last! I do actually have my own broomstick - and a very good friend often calls me "Witch" as a term of endearment (I think it's a term of endearment anyway!) I even wrote a short story for this person a couple of years ago and the theme was ....? Yes - you've guessed it - Witches and Wizards!!  I can definitely see a pattern here can't you? All quite apt really as in 3 days it's the witching hour. I wonder where I shall fly to on Friday night? 

This led me to wake up a bit and think perhaps maybe I am a bit scarey sometimes - and why that might be. I do have a kind of 'Don't f**k with me attitude' which is probably some kind of defense device - well no, not probably - it's a definite...and then I got to thinking how badly that may come across sometimes. So today I have explored this - and come to the conclusion that it's probably based around fear - isn't all negative stuff? We all have deep-rooted internal fears - usually created in childhood and teenage years - but how they manifest themselves in our behaviour patterns and how we allow them to do damage is a whole other story - the trick is to recognise them, understand what creates them and how they affect other people (who is that running away?) and change the behaviour patterns.

So if I've scared you in the past I unreservedly apologise - it wasn't about anything you did - it was all about me!!! Hopefully with my new level of understanding I can resist this pattern in the future!!...and allow my 'softer' side to be more apparent for more of the time - after all -what is there to be afraid of?

I'm off out to look for a pink fluffy 'Fairy' outfit for halloween - there'll be no more scarey witches around here :)


  1. One word. Door.

    Luckily Bruce and I were not scared and nearly just left you to hand your own very heavy front door. :-)

  2. One word. Door.

    Luckily Bruce and I were not scared and nearly just left you to hand your own very heavy front door. :-)

  3. Laughing...an awful lot...big giggles in my throat :)

  4. Laughing...an awful lot...big giggles in my throat :)

  5. I used to be really scared of you! I remember you & I driving to Christian's flat one Christmas (or New Year) eve & I was bloody petrified! Imagine that!!

    Love you to bits now, you big pussy cat you!!xxxxx

  6. I used to be really scared of you! I remember you & I driving to Christian's flat one Christmas (or New Year) eve & I was bloody petrified! Imagine that!!

    Love you to bits now, you big pussy cat you!!xxxxx


Beautiful New life