Friday, 7 May 2010

Bye Bye Jackie Smith

Bye Bye Jackie Smith...and I should think so too. Claiming for porn movies indeed! Whatever next! (She had a face like a smacked arse when the results were declared - but what did she seriously expect?) Anyway - that's just one righteous result in last night's election. As I type this the most powerful man in the country - Nick Clegg - is probably locked in a cupboard playing 'Eeeny Meeny Miny Mo' as he makes his mind up - I hope he enjoys the temporary power that has been vested in him this morning! I hope he doesn't backtrack on what he said earlier in the week...we'll see.

I'm not really a political animal - and will readily admit to being totally ignorant in the matters that matter. But I haven't half enjoyed the TV coverage over the last 24 hours. This morning David Dimbleby has been a star - I think I'm in love with him! Mind you Jeremy Vine is starting to get on my tits a bit now.

I also now know where Nick Clegg lives because you simply can't miss the huge TV waggons outside his house - complete with 12 foot satellite dishes stuck on them. He lives near here.  (Another tenuous link to fame).

Can't wait to see what happens next.......

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