Sunday, 25 April 2010

What a great day!

I've had a lovely day today. Most of it spent blethering on the dog and bone. I went out for full english with Jacqui this morning, and a lovely wander round the garden centre where I got a bit excited about being able to get something done in my pretty little garden at the cottage in the next few weeks. (Sad but true). Tomorrow I'm going to go and paint the railings! Hammerite covers all rust apparently - so that'll be great! I've nattered with Trish, Dennis, Lisa, Dan, Chesney...all of course wanting to know if I'm still at large or if I've been arrested yet - 'No' is the answer - not yet - I am still at liberty - but you never know your luck in a raffle :) Do watch this space for updates!

I have completed the knowledge reviews and Q&A section for my Deep Diver (40m) course - so only 4 deep dives to do now - and that should be in the next couple of weeks...and then I'll have yet another qualification and another badge and certificate. I think I should have been a fish :)

My lovely cousin Richard has run the London Marathon today and got a very respectable time - and all he suffered was a torn off toenail - I say 'all'...actually it sounds a bit painful - and when I texted my congratulations to him earlier he replied telling me he was sitting in an ice - why would you do that? I'd be in the pub on my fourteenth G&T.

Tonight I was called by a chap from the dreaded dating website - and we got on famously on the phone - an hour and a half chatting! I'm off to meet him tomorrow - so we'll see what happens there. If the 'phone call was anything to go by he might be quite nice.

I am also excited because Julian is on his way here from Gozo for the week - on an aeroplane as we type this - so no doubt there will be some fun and frivolity involved when we catch up for dinner later in the week ;)

And then - just now I have noticed comments on here from an old school friend who lives in France - how absolutely lovely. Hopefully to become another avid reader - and when she next visits no doubt we'll get together......Alright Sarah? Yoo Hoo!

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