Sunday 11 April 2010

Sleepover...and afternoons out

Last night I went out for a sleepover! Sadly it wasn't with a chap - but we live in hope! I went to stay with my friends who live over in Stocksbridge - which is a bit too far to drive back home from when you've had a couple of sherberts. I went to Helen and Andrew's - and we had curry. It was fab. I've known H&A for about 18 years and they're amongst the nicest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. They are both very funny and Andrew has the ability to have me in stitches from the very outset. He's the most laid back person ever - almost horizontal in fact. Our kids grew up together - and are now all  adults in their own right. We spent many happy days and weekends together when the kids were small - including one never to be forgotten weekend in a caravan in Devon when Helen and I put the clocks forward by three hours - and had the kids - who were just toddlers - washed, fed and fast asleep by 5pm (they thought it was 8pm) so that we could get on with drinking some wine!!! Shameful behaviour - but they were tired!

I have known H&A for what seems like forever - and I love them both very much. They are very smiley people, and I love spending time with them.

Later today I am going to Scunthorpe to see my lovely cousin Stephen - who is over on a flying visit from Canada. He's brill and I can't wait to see him.

When I came back home a few weeks ago I was a bit concerned about whether or not I was doing the right know...'Is it a good idea to go back?'...but now that I'm here and am surrounded by lovely people I know it was completely the right thing to do - I only wish I had done it eighteen months ago:)

1 comment:

  1. It's official, I AM BRILL. Thank you.

    This is my 2nd try at commenting, (previous one wass much longer) so here's hoping.

    emails have been returned "undeliverable" Got a new one?

    Love you too,
    Stephen x


Beautiful New life