Wednesday, 4 March 2009


Last night, after it was  recommended to me (during our 'How to make Meat and Potato pie' chat) by my dear Aunt Mimi, I ordered this. I know that I should be ashamed and I shall have to hide the book from Poselq who is an accomplished cook  who does everything 'properly' - but I figure that coming to cooking so late in life I need all the help I can get:)


  1. I am disappointed in you. Did you not watch the Delia Smith programme that went along with her how to cheat book? It was terrible. All about using frozen mash potato and tinned meat.

    Seriously, Victoria and I thought that she had finally lost it.

    If I can cook from scratch I am sure you can.

    Anyway, Delia Smith is a patronising freak with weird spotty hands. I would not eat anything cooked by her as it would have been touched by those spotty hands. Bleugh. Freakish woman.

    Now Nigella...she is alltogether different.... :-)

  2. I am disappointed in you. Did you not watch the Delia Smith programme that went along with her how to cheat book? It was terrible. All about using frozen mash potato and tinned meat.

    Seriously, Victoria and I thought that she had finally lost it.

    If I can cook from scratch I am sure you can.

    Anyway, Delia Smith is a patronising freak with weird spotty hands. I would not eat anything cooked by her as it would have been touched by those spotty hands. Bleugh. Freakish woman.

    Now Nigella...she is alltogether different.... :-)


Beautiful New life