Monday, 9 March 2009


On Friday I had my colours done. Not my hair - no - but my colour analysis. We went to see one of these ladies and they do a full work-out on you.

The result is that I can still wear black (thank god for that) - but all the autumn shades I am used to wearing now have to go. Apparently I am a winter person - but with brightness. So that's lots of jewel shades.

It makes such a difference to how you look. It was also very emotional. At one point when she held a swatch of fabric up to my face I burst into tears. She got my personality type spot-on too - apparently I have larger than life personality!! I didn't know that :)

Colours I should avoid at all costs are browns, beiges, olive, etc etc - most of the colours in my wardrobe in fact.

This morning I have been to Debenhams and begun to replace my wardrobe contents. 


  1. How do you know she got your personality type spot on if you didn't know you had a larger than life personality? :-)

    Also, don't these sorts of women just put fat people in peach?

  2. How do you know she got your personality type spot on if you didn't know you had a larger than life personality? :-)

    Also, don't these sorts of women just put fat people in peach?

  3. Oh dear - does this mean that the mustard coloured 'can't touch this' genie trousers are a 'no no' then ????!!!!!!! Lisa xx

  4. Oh dear - does this mean that the mustard coloured 'can't touch this' genie trousers are a 'no no' then ????!!!!!!! Lisa xx

  5. Christian - the 'I didn't know that" line was said very tongue in cheek!!! It was weird though because that 'mad' Trace part of me has been buried for so long - and she spotted it!!! Hmmmm, not sure about the peach!!!

  6. Christian - the 'I didn't know that" line was said very tongue in cheek!!! It was weird though because that 'mad' Trace part of me has been buried for so long - and she spotted it!!! Hmmmm, not sure about the peach!!!

  7. A friend of my Mum's does colour analysis & she always looks a chuff!

  8. A friend of my Mum's does colour analysis & she always looks a chuff!

  9. I love that line ...Looks a chuff!!!.... so very Yorkshire ...fab !!

  10. I love that line ...Looks a chuff!!!.... so very Yorkshire ...fab !!


Beautiful New life