Thursday, 19 March 2009

Shall we have a vote?

Posselq is coming home tonight. He'll find a clean house, a cooked dinner (that's if you can call home-made quiche a proper dinner! - A man needs a proper dinner after a full day's work) all the ironing and laundry is done....and me...a proper little Stepford wife (have you seen that movie?) with make-up on and dressed to kill.

In another few months I will be sitting here playing the piano as he walks through the door - ha ha ha!!! Probably dressed up like a french maid or a schoolgirl with a whip in each hand too I shouldn't wonder.... (Cook in the kitchen - whore in the bedroom?). The dog will be freshly washed and fed, the horse ridden and retired, the lawn mowed, that car washed, the fridge full of freshly baked stuff, and of course - the freezer full of soups and stews.and so on and so forth. 

Actually - thinking about it what will probably happen (and I'm only saying this before Christian gets the chance) is that I will be asleep on the sofa in a pair of old jogging bottoms, Domino will be on their way with a delivery, the fridge and freezer will be empty and so will the gin bottle. The laundry will be stinking in the dirty linen basket, the garden will resemble a vietnamese rice field, the dog will have left home, the horse will be in a random field somewhere, the car will have been impounded and the piano - well - the piano will have been used for firewood.

Shall we have a vote as to which scenario is more likely? Stepford wife - or council house wife?


  1. Stepford Wives were replaced by lifelike robots and that is obviously not you so I would have to go for option 2. :-)

    When him indoors gets back you could always greet him with my complaint that another of his door monkeys called last night in spite of me telling them for the last 5 years not to. I would have used foul language but the kids were near. :-)

    I wonder if there is a facebook group I could join?

  2. Stepford Wives were replaced by lifelike robots and that is obviously not you so I would have to go for option 2. :-)

    When him indoors gets back you could always greet him with my complaint that another of his door monkeys called last night in spite of me telling them for the last 5 years not to. I would have used foul language but the kids were near. :-)

    I wonder if there is a facebook group I could join?

  3. You should start one - call it "Facebook members against door to door energy salespeople" or something similar. Posselq isn't actually in charge of sales - but I'm sure he'll pas your message on!

  4. You should start one - call it "Facebook members against door to door energy salespeople" or something similar. Posselq isn't actually in charge of sales - but I'm sure he'll pas your message on!

  5. I'm defo going for option 2! Its only a matter of weeks before you revert back to M&S - just like the smoking - it's been a habit for a long time & hard to break!

    Lisa xx

  6. I'm defo going for option 2! Its only a matter of weeks before you revert back to M&S - just like the smoking - it's been a habit for a long time & hard to break!

    Lisa xx


Beautiful New life