Monday, 25 August 2008

Happy Birthday Rosina

Yesterday - 24th - would have been my Grandmother's birthday - were she still with us. She passed away earlier this year at the grand age of ninety something. My Nana Rosina was a great character - with her Whisky and her Bingo and her jewellery and her fur coats, and her purple shiny nail varnish, and her fabulous italian heritage, and her legendary love of food (sound familiar?), and her big dangly earrings, and her refusal to turn grey (which resulted in some amazing hair colours!, latterly a bright coppery red) and her funny toes, and her issues with wind (!), and her flamboyant personality, and her dignity and her refusal to wear anything if it wasn't based around black - (do you do this dress in black?). We all miss her and she is the subject of many a hilarious tale when the family gets together. I have a lovely necklace of hers that she left for me in her will - a crystal bauble which shines every colour when you hold it up to the light, and I wear it in her honour most days. Happy Birthday Nana Rosina xxxx

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