Sunday, 16 November 2008

Christmas is just around the corner....

Oh Dear - what are we going to do about Christmas? For the last few years we have had Christmas down here in Surrey - well - I have. Dan went up to Sheffield one year and I was here alone - which sounds sad but actually it was great - I had lobster instead of turkey and quite enjoyed the peace and quiet. Last year we had a big family Christmas here at the house (the chefs came and did the cooking and the washing up!) - but what about this year? My two brothers won't be around this Christmas (I'm leaving on a jet plane...) so my Mum will be 'Home alone' in Sheffield - so that's quite a consideration - also I have been invited out to Spain to join the Family for Christmas (and apparently everyone else can come too!!) So - that sounds like about ten people in Caba Pino for the festivities - but - then - I've also had an invite to somewhere else (and this invite also includes my Mum, and Dan and Jan)'s such a dilemma!!! Crikey Moses....I need to make a plan.

The pressure is building and it's only mid-November - you see why I'm not so keen on Christmas?

This year may be the year when I volunteer to 'help the homeless' for the day :)


  1. I'd get myself listed as homeless if I get you for Christmas!

  2. I'd get myself listed as homeless if I get you for Christmas!

  3. That can easily be arranged :)

  4. That can easily be arranged :)


Beautiful New life