Tuesday 25 November 2008

Fox Porn - Chapter 3

Regular readers will know that I have had issues with Fox-porn before. If you want to know about these past occurrences of "Debbie does Dallas - (Fox style)" you can read about it here and here.

Last night they were at it again. Our garden is about one and half acres (ie quite large) so I have no clue as to why the cute furry little foxes all done up in their bondage gear, and ready for some 'hot' bedroom action always decide to play out their sordid little fantasies right under my bedroom window. 

Last night - or rather - this morning - they started at about 3am (what - on a school night?). Screeching, wailing, thrashing, flashing, and generally having a fabulous time of it. I'm not jealous (no - right) and it doesn't really upset me that foxes are having an active sex life - but I've looked it up on the 'net and their mating season is in the spring - not in November. This, clearly then, was purely recreational sex (cue the bondage gear). And I have to tell you - there was plenty of recreation going on. They were at it for ages. You would think they could do the decent thing and maybe stuff a towel in her mouth to stop her waking up half the neighbourhood (ie. Moi). It was an absolute cacophony of 3rd rate porn movie screaming and wailing. I was so distressed I very nearly 'phoned the Huntmaster - Oh - mind you - he wouldn't be able to help anymore would he? 

To celebrate their fabulous sex marathon they then took the trouble to overturn my wheelie bins (didn't wake me - I was already fully awake - but it did scare the pants off me) and distribute the contents far and wide over the full one and half acres.

Love you Brer Fox xxxx

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