Wednesday 22 September 2010


Tonight I have been to Abbeydale Squash Club with Helen. They had a ladies health and beauty evening. Beauty therapists (Please help me) and waxers, and manicurists et al. Loads of them -but - and this is the good bit - only charging a fiver a chuck. BARGAIN!

I had a very nice back and shoulder massage  from Angela which was very relaxing - but prior to that I met Tracy Cooper. She does Kinesiology. What's that? No bloody idea. 

I laid down on a bed and had to do all sorts of weird stuff with muscles and things. Then after an assessment she told me I was depressed, de-hydrated, lacking in energy and sleeping badly. Right on the nail.

She has told me to take extra vitamin B and drink more water - and I should see an improvement within a few days.

I've ordered the vitamins and they should be here in a few days. Water's in the tap.

I'll let you know just how quickly I'm dancing on the ceiling.


  1. My mum used to go to a Kinesiologist. Seriously, it's total bollocks and they charge a fortune once they have you hooked. The only way I could get my mum away from these evil pushers was to show her a course where you could qualify as one in 12 weeks and said that I would do the course and she could pay me stupid money instead.

    Here's an example :

    My mum had a bad backor shoulder or something and wanted a massage but whenever it was attempted it hurt too much. The Kinesiologist suggested she held her husbands hand (the Kinesiologists husband)and she would massage him and the power of Kinesiology would transfer the goodness to my mum.

    Bang!! £500 please!!

    Laugh? I nearly shat myself.

    This was one that worked in London and was 'Kinesiologist to the stars'.

    Stay away!! You have been warned!!

  2. Ha ha ha Christian - you always make me laugh out loud with your comments (or - as in this case - essays). Did she really pay £500 for that? Now I know where you get your madness from! Love you x


Beautiful New life