My house - my rules - my carpets - (oil of Evening Primrose....Dear?)
Cue - ensuing 'discussion' (argument) regarding the law regarding Meter Reading. I tell him (in no uncertain terms) to Piss off. My meter hasn't been read.
No matter - because when the bill comes - I can ring them up in a state of outrage at their 'estimation' - give them the correct reading - and receive an up-dated bill.
In truth I was a bit pee'd off because when the doorbell rang I thought it was probably the man from Interflora bringing me a bunch of 'Happy Birthday' flowers from George (Clooney). Alas - No - it was some spotty grungy dirty uniform-wearing oik from 'Meter Plus'. (Who incidentally work on behalf of N Power - so that was never going to go well really....was it?)
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