Thursday, 16 April 2009


The Posselq's parents are due later this afternoon. They're here for the weekend. I have bought buns - maybe I should have baked them myself? I am a nervous wreck. I am busy changing beds and dusting and making sure there's enough milk and bread in the house. Have to be a good little Domestic Goddess. It's bad enough having to keep Posselq himself happy with all that I do (actually that's an exaggeration - he's easily pleased!) - and then make sure the kids enjoy themselves when they're here on their fortnightly weekend visits - but now the 'not quite' Mother in Law is coming too!!! 

When they came for Christmas we had a great time - but I was officially a guest then - it might be different this time now that I am officially living here. There may be higher expectations. No woman is ever good enough for a son - that kind of thing!

Actually they are lovely and I really like them - so I'm not expecting any trouble!!


  1. Good Luck xx - Let me know how it goes... Cressie xxx

  2. Good Luck xx - Let me know how it goes... Cressie xxx


Beautiful New life