Saturday, 4 April 2009

Posselq is still alive.

Last night Posselq went to fetch the children and I agreed to make the dinner so that it was ready for when they got back. I was making my yummy home made burgers with home made chips - all in all a real treat - it was always Dan's favourite - I'm very good at it and therefore NEED NO OUTSIDE HELP!!!

Posselq came home (bless him) and because it's his kitchen and his stuff and his environment and everything - he just can't help but pop his head in and have a little look (at absolutely everything) to check that I'm doing everything okay - ie the way he could be doing it!!!! He does this thing with the pans where he has to move them just a fraction on the hob.....just to ensure that everything is absolutely perfect......(he readily admits that it's the control freak in him). Well that would be okay - only this week it's "that week" when I am not at my best and all sensible men folk in the vicinity should be afraid - be very afraid.

For his trouble the Posselq very nearly got stabbed with a blunt instrument - it would have been a sharp instrument but then I figured that a blunt one would be more painful.

It makes me laugh how Men can disappear (albeit to do a worthwhile thing - it's not like he was in the pub or anything) leave you to carry out a task of which you are more than capable - and then come home "Just in time" to rescue the situation from the terrible debacle that it was just about to become had he not got back in the nick of time.

I do love my Man but I could have cheerfully killed him :)


  1. He's a lid lifter & therefore should be banned from the kitchen! If someone wants to come in & have a chat & a glass of wine while you're cooking - fine, but all lid lifters should be banned!!!! Give him a dish of peanuts & banish him to the lounge til its ready :)

  2. He's a lid lifter & therefore should be banned from the kitchen! If someone wants to come in & have a chat & a glass of wine while you're cooking - fine, but all lid lifters should be banned!!!! Give him a dish of peanuts & banish him to the lounge til its ready :)

  3. Ha ha ha ha - is that what you do with Christian? I'm afraid it's a bit more than lid-lifting here. Posselq is a very good cook and loves his kitchen - I can't cook (very well) so he thinks I need help - which is fair enough....however....burgers are the thing I can do quite well and have been making for no outside assistance required. I have a selection of blunt and sharp instruments ready for next time....because there's bound to be a next time......

  4. Ha ha ha ha - is that what you do with Christian? I'm afraid it's a bit more than lid-lifting here. Posselq is a very good cook and loves his kitchen - I can't cook (very well) so he thinks I need help - which is fair enough....however....burgers are the thing I can do quite well and have been making for no outside assistance required. I have a selection of blunt and sharp instruments ready for next time....because there's bound to be a next time......


Beautiful New life