Thursday 16 April 2009

Let's hear it for the ants!

Listening to Radio 2 this morning - whilst driving back from Leeds - I heard a piece of scientific news. Scientists in California have discovered a new species of Ant which is entirely female. Good old evolution has managed to do away with the male of the species. The females are able to replicate their DNA by themselves and manage somehow to get it into their eggs. Thereby reproducing themselves perfectly. Voila - no need for the male of the species and so they have become extinct.

Chaps everywhere - be afraid - be very's only a matter of time :) 


  1. If you did away with Men just think of all the things that would never get done.

    You would never get your cars fixed, never open a jar, never read a map, never pay for a meal out, never get a round in, never set up AV equipment.

    All these things are done only by men.

    Also, who would pay off your credit cards when you run out of credit and can't make the payments? Who would make 'things'. Things like cars, buildings etc? The entire planet would fall apart.

    If there were no men you would probably all menstrate sympathetically and once a month NOTHING would happen. Economies would fail. Civilisation would collapse!

    If there were no men who would you nag? Who would you bitch about to your friends? Oh yes, your other friends. My bad. ;-)

    If there were no men who would you complain to about the pain of childbirth?

    Admit it. You would be lost without us.

  2. If you did away with Men just think of all the things that would never get done.

    You would never get your cars fixed, never open a jar, never read a map, never pay for a meal out, never get a round in, never set up AV equipment.

    All these things are done only by men.

    Also, who would pay off your credit cards when you run out of credit and can't make the payments? Who would make 'things'. Things like cars, buildings etc? The entire planet would fall apart.

    If there were no men you would probably all menstrate sympathetically and once a month NOTHING would happen. Economies would fail. Civilisation would collapse!

    If there were no men who would you nag? Who would you bitch about to your friends? Oh yes, your other friends. My bad. ;-)

    If there were no men who would you complain to about the pain of childbirth?

    Admit it. You would be lost without us.


Beautiful New life