Monday 27 April 2009

How annoying!

When Dan had her car accident a couple of weeks ago - the man who she crashed into readily admitted it was entirely his fault. He turned right out of a filter lane as she was travelling along the main road - straight into her path. It was outside an MOD base and the whole thing was captured on CCTV. The Police attended - watched the CCTV - interviewed the other driver - and everybody agreed (including the soldier on duty) that it was entirely his fault and she was completely blameless. No speeding - no fannying about - no nothing.

Imagine my bloody annoyance today to discover that the scrotey pillock has told his insurance company that it was her fault, and now she is having to provide statements etc to dispute his claim. 

What a twat. What a complete and utter twat. (and faggot, and arsehole, and knobhead, and dickface, and anything else insulting that I can come up with)...not to mention pretty damn stupid as it's all on CCTV.

I hope his dick drops off.


  1. having exactly the same problem with our accident... all their fault but decided to say it was ours.. total arseholes! C of L x

  2. having exactly the same problem with our accident... all their fault but decided to say it was ours.. total arseholes! C of L x


Beautiful New life