Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Create some havoc?

I was talking to Lisa on the dog and bone the other day and she said that since I moved to Oxon my blog had become a tad tedious. It's all about cooking and being a domestic goddess apparently. It has somehow lost it's edge. Emma agreed with her. 

My ranting diatribes used to keep them amused for hours - but nowadays the more tranquil pace of life here in the countryside - my life is less angst ridden and more pleasant - is reflected here and therefore the entertainment value has dropped.

I really don't know what to say. I may have to create some drama so that I can write about it and keep people amused. Hmmm, let's see......


1. Join the WI and persuade them all to learn some bondage techniques (right ladies - handcuffs at the ready?)

2. Create an action group and call it something like "Ladies of Leisure against the persecution of the City Link delivery driver" - All the delivery drivers that I have met since living here have been absolutely lovely.

3. Do an in-depth study into the benefit/cost analysis of travelling 12 miles to the nearest Waitrose store - as opposed to 3 miles to Tesco.

4. Re-do all Delia's recipes - replacing quantities of liquids (oil, vinegar, water, stock) with alcohol (gin, vodka, white wine, beer)

5. Open a brothel

I am sure that some of my regular readers can come up with some countryside shattering ideas - and all ideas are welcome....however I have a feeling that the writing has become a bit "la-la" because I am contented and happy!!!

So there !!!


  1. How can u even think of bothering with the cost/benefit analysis?? Waitrose all the way - Tesco is like Hobnobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. How can u even think of bothering with the cost/benefit analysis?? Waitrose all the way - Tesco is like Hobnobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Hobnobs are shi-i-i-i-ite !!!!

  4. Hobnobs are shi-i-i-i-ite !!!!


Beautiful New life