Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Day two - NO fags round here

Okay - okay - okay. Mood score is about 3 out of ten. Patience is running at about a 4 - cravings standing at about a 12 (and that's out of ten!). Hunger pangs are doing a good 7 to 8 and I have a headache. This is full day two of not smoking (yawn yawn). Later I have to brave Tesco for the ingredients for tonight's Spag Bol (pensioners and mums with toddlers - sorry Victoria! - need to keep away - well away from my trolley whilst I'm in there or they are likely to get rammed!) , and then a nip to the dry cleaners and the cobblers to take Posselq's things for cleaning and repairing (that would be suit and shoes then? - Einstein?).

Dog has learnt (in less than 48 hours) to walk the other way when she sees me coming - and oh yes - I've just stubbed my bl**dy toe. 

I think I'll go back to bed.

Grumpy Grumpy Grumpy Grumpy Grumpy Grumpy


  1. Nicotine addiction only lasts about a week. The rest is all mental.

    Hang in there. In 10 days the worst bit will be over.

  2. Nicotine addiction only lasts about a week. The rest is all mental.

    Hang in there. In 10 days the worst bit will be over.


Beautiful New life