Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Men - I suggest you look away now

Women's troubles. I don't mean 'men who drink' or 'children who're cheeky' or 'cars with punctures' or even 'boxes too heavy to lift' - I mean proper women's troubles. Following on from the theme of yesterday (ie nether regions) today we're going to look at Cystitis. At least that's what I think it is. Never having had it before I couldn't be sure - but I have the overwhelming urge to go for a 'pee constantly. It started at about 4am - I woke up desperately needing the loo - and thought 'hey - that's early' as usually I'm fine until about 6.30. As soon as I had been (and washed my hands of course) I got back into bed and the feeling of 'really wanting to go to the loo' came back as if I hadn't been. So I went again. Then got back into bed ......and so on ......... for about ten minutes until I realised in my foggy half asleep state what was going on here.

I am now at my desk - having just been for a pee (that's about the tenth so far today) and desperately wanting another one.

My body is behaving like a dork and it may be time for a serious word.


  1. Women's 'bits' are proof that god is a women.

    Bad design. :-)

  2. Women's 'bits' are proof that god is a women.

    Bad design. :-)


Beautiful New life