Kawasaki ZX9R
Isn't it funny how time passes? We're told that it passes at the same rate no matter what. But that's not true - just ask any child who is waiting for Christmas!! When you're waiting for something time drags its feet - and when you're having fun - it pops on its Nike trainers and veritably sprints by. So - when you're waiting for something - I think the answer is to try and have fun - that way the time slow / fast thing balances itself out........with me so far?
So fun, then, is the order of the day. Today I am going out with a male friend to Box Hill (which thankfully is not that far!) on the back of his motorbike for a bacon sandwich - that should be fun...right? (that's if I don't fall off!!). The motorbike is a CBR 900RR Fireblade and is the wrong bike because it belongs to completely the wrong person - there's someone else's motorbike that I would far rather be getting onto the back of...but we're having fun so that the time passes quicker. When the time has passed - maybe I'll get to go on the right motorbike - which is a Kawasaki ZX9R (what is this thing with 900cc motorbikes and guys in their late forties?...is it a re-discovering your youth mission?) and belongs to completely the right person. Here's hoping !!!!
Well sounds like you are getting old; & no, it's not a rediscovering your youth thing, I think most men just stay young inside, as opposed to women who think that taking away a things that men enjoy is "growing up." I think they just realize that they've missed out on some things and want what they've always wanted, but maybe never had.