Friday, 4 July 2008

Independence Day

Today is the 4th July. That means something to Americans everywhere!! Good for them!!! What does it mean for me? Well, today I'm off work so Milly and I are going to go to the park later to play - we love the park - there are lots of other nice people and nice dogs and we chat and Milly plays - actually I'd like to play too - but the tennis ball keeps falling out of my mouth!!! - ("What? even with the size of your mouth?")

Last night I watched a brilliant DVD called 'The Secret". Jo and Su were here too and we had chinese food and once Milly and Colin had stopped chasing each other round the living room we settled down to watch the DVD. Somebody had recommended it to me - and we weren't disappointed. It's not a normal movie - in that there's no story - but it's very good. It's not available in the shops - you have to order it. I ordered my copy (well actually I got two copies - one for a friend who I think might like it). It's very good and I would recommend it to anyone. It might not be your thing - but there's plenty to think about when you've watched it. When I began to look for it - it took me a day or two to locate it here in the UK - it's not for sale in HMV and I found it on the web here . I recommend it to everyone. Watch it and let me know what you think :)

UPDATE - 0912

Have just been for a lovely walk with Milly. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. I've seen and said a cheery hello to the postman, the milkman, a lady out with her two irish setters (lovely) another lady out on a run, and said hello to three builders who had no shirts on!!! I love Milly, and taking her for a walk always keeps me happy and seems to bring nice people my way :) Dogs are great xx


Have had a lovely day so far - much laughter and merry making with Jo (she should be working) and from now on she will be know as 'Sunshine Meadow Kemp" and apparently my new name is "Wonderful babbling Brook Wood" (please don't ask!!! - you would never understand the answer). I have had a delightful chat with a lovely friend, and been food shopping - and spent twice as much as I normally do - I just got carried away...everything looked so nice, and I was hungry and I couldn't decide what I wanted so I bought way too much and will probably put on a stone over the weekend!! I love it when my fridge is full!!!

Tomorrow I'm taking Millie to Richmond Park - which she loves and I've bought three books to read over the weekend. Oh yes - fresh bedlinen for tonight too...bliss bliss bliss bliss and much more blissx Happeeeeeeeeeee :)


...and finally I am now having a lovely dinner of fillet beef wellington - caesar salad, and then for dessert, fresh strawberries and raspberries and Madagscar Vanilla cream...oh my the words of the Great Lou Reed...'it's such a perfect day'.


  1. Sunshine Meadow Kemp4 July 2008 at 19:43

    Richmond Park???? You know where it is? Sure?!
    Are u going to be walking thru the Sunshine Meadow and step across the wonderful babbling brook????? may i join you!?!?!?!?!

  2. Sunshine Meadow Kemp4 July 2008 at 19:43

    Richmond Park???? You know where it is? Sure?!
    Are u going to be walking thru the Sunshine Meadow and step across the wonderful babbling brook????? may i join you!?!?!?!?!

  3. Yes - you may join me - but only - and I mean only - if you can keep THE SECRET. I hope we see a babbling brook or a sunshine meadow - how funny would that be??????

  4. Yes - you may join me - but only - and I mean only - if you can keep THE SECRET. I hope we see a babbling brook or a sunshine meadow - how funny would that be??????

  5. Sunshine Meadow4 July 2008 at 20:04

    It would be hilarious but Sssshhhhh!! Maybe we shall meet Weeping Willow and skip thru the sunshine meadow, laugh merrily as we walk over the babbling brook whilst Climbing Hills Colin and Marching Merrily Millie trot along!!!
    Early?? I say early is good. It catches the glistening dew on the lush green ferns as the swans swim on the luscious lakes!

  6. Sunshine Meadow4 July 2008 at 20:04

    It would be hilarious but Sssshhhhh!! Maybe we shall meet Weeping Willow and skip thru the sunshine meadow, laugh merrily as we walk over the babbling brook whilst Climbing Hills Colin and Marching Merrily Millie trot along!!!
    Early?? I say early is good. It catches the glistening dew on the lush green ferns as the swans swim on the luscious lakes!

  7. But Jopa - you don't do early!!! You're version of early is about 2pm on a Saturday xx

  8. But Jopa - you don't do early!!! You're version of early is about 2pm on a Saturday xx


Beautiful New life