Tuesday, 1 May 2007

No thankyou - I don't smoke.

Just in case you were wondering - I'm still not smoking. It is getting easier each day - but that might be because my determination increases with each day that I manage not to smoke.

It's not as hard as I thought it would be - although Saturday and Sunday were quite bad.

I cannot wait for somebody to offer me a cigarette and for me to be able to turn around and say ...."Oh ...No Thankyou, I don't smoke!"

I have been smoking since I was 13 - that's 30 years...Good Lord, that's appalling. I didn't even stop smoking whilst I was pregnant - doubly appalling. (although I did cut down considerably). Last weekend when the ladies were here I watched all 3 of them smoking and just decided that it wasn't for me anymore. Just like that. After all these years.


  1. Now, I know you don't want patronising compliments from reformed ex-smokers, but good on yer Tracy. Since you've told the world about quitting smoking AND taking up running, you've sort of painted yourself into a corner. You have to quit smoking and must continue running or else you'll be shamed for ever. How's that for inspiration?

    Can you take the pressure? Yes you can. I'll even run with you next time I'm in deepest Surrey. You're in good company too - Susan is running her first Run For The Cure in July, and hopes to do it without a ciggie break!

    Any chance of your Mum (or mine) quitting?!
    Stephen x

  2. Now, I know you don't want patronising compliments from reformed ex-smokers, but good on yer Tracy. Since you've told the world about quitting smoking AND taking up running, you've sort of painted yourself into a corner. You have to quit smoking and must continue running or else you'll be shamed for ever. How's that for inspiration?

    Can you take the pressure? Yes you can. I'll even run with you next time I'm in deepest Surrey. You're in good company too - Susan is running her first Run For The Cure in July, and hopes to do it without a ciggie break!

    Any chance of your Mum (or mine) quitting?!
    Stephen x


Beautiful New life