Thursday 4 February 2010

Names have not been changed to protect the innocent....

Please find below a transcript of a brief e mail conversation. I'm not sure these dating websites are all they're cracked up to be.

His e mail..............

Dear Tracy

My name is Raj. You may recall that we met at Banbury shopping centre for a coffee (by the way I paid for it) on last Saturday. When we left, you told me that you would like to meet again.

I have not heard from you since and I assume that you do not like to see me again. That is fine and it is your choice. But it is common courtesy to say so for several reasons.

You did indicate at the time of leaving that you would like to see me again. You are certainly entitled to change your mind. You told me that as a true Yorkshire woman you tell it as it is.

Lastly I did a round trip of 90 minutes to meet you and I treated with you respect.

Best wishes

My reply.......

Thankyou for your e mail. I am sorry that you're upset because I haven't been in touch - but it's only been two days and I have been rather busy.
I appreciate the fact that you drove some distance to come and meet with me, however, that was your choice, and I also sense that you feel slightly aggrieved that you bought one cup of coffee for me. If you would care to let me know how much it cost, and your address I will pop some money in the post to cover your outlay.
I have made a decision regarding our meeting - especially since reading your e mail - and that is that although I enjoyed our meeting, I don't want to see you again.
I wish you well in your search for a companion.

Best wishes

Tracy Wood

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