Monday, 5 May 2008

What has happened to my life?

Mostly I quite like my life. It has it's ups and down and I have to admit that I have never really liked work that much. But there are many compensations including my horse, the dog, and having enough food to eat and a nice car to drive. I also have some fantastic friends and a lovely, lovely family. I am truly blessed. - or rather I was - but now the balance seems to have gone awry. Regular readers will have noticed that I'm spending more and more time at work. We are in a state of transition and flux at the moment - I work in property and the recent changes in the market have made things quite tough.

When I was young I lived to work - but now it's the other way around, and I work to live. I need to have enough spare time to do the things I truly like. Right now I don't have that. The small amount of spare time I do have is not really enjoyable as I am so tired that I spend most of it sleeping!

I really really want to retire - as there's so many things on my 'things to do' list that I haven't yet accomplished.

So I'm starting a Charity. It's going to be called "Help Tracy to retire". All donations gratefully received.


  1. You should set up a PayPal link on your site that people can click to donate directly to you. :-)

    See how much you get!!

  2. You should set up a PayPal link on your site that people can click to donate directly to you. :-)

    See how much you get!!


Beautiful New life