Friday, 16 January 2009


My Grandmother's funeral this coming week will involve meeting up with some relatives. I'm not going to mention any names or familial links - as I don't really want to identify anyone in particular - but it has made me think about the phrase .."you can pick your friends but you don't get to pick your family members"...

There is one member of my family who is a bit of a let-down.  Actually - that's an understatement - in fact if I were to be brutally honest 'let-down' doesn't go half-way to accurately describing them. All my life I have wanted this person to 'step-up' and do the right thing - and all my life I have been disappointed. So....what's to do? Do you let the person know how you feel? or - do you accept things the way they are and graciously say nothing? Do I have the right to make my feelings known - or - just leave it alone? Recently this particular person did something that has staggered everyone who knows them - and I was simply left speechless (and that's practically impossible!) and aghast at their behaviour.

I am very fortunate in the fact that the rest of my family are lovely - and I have all the time in the world for all of them - so one bad apple in the barrel isn't that bad I don't suppose. 

Bit disappointing though.


  1. My darling special funny bright beautiful daughter - you're extremely nice - and I love you x

  2. My darling special funny bright beautiful daughter - you're extremely nice - and I love you x


Beautiful New life