Tuesday 6 January 2009

Entertainment review - Ice Skating at Hampton Court

Tonight I got whisked to Hampton Court (beautiful Historic house) for a spot of Ice Skating. I haven't been on blades since I was about 16 - when I used to cut quite a dash down at Silver Blades in Sheffield with Lisa Roseby and Jayne Wilkinson - we only went for the boys - but for the boys to notice you - you needed to be really good on your skates - I snogged a few boys behind the disco booth let me tell you!!!

Anyway I was delighted to discover that just like riding a bike - the skills of ice skating soon come flooding back. I was wearing hockey blades which only have the one edge on the blade - unlike figure skates which have two - so the experience was somewhat different - but within minutes I was doing okay! I did take a small tumble which has resulted in a minor haematoma on my hand - but as I'm not a whinger I won't say too much about how it hurts!! Dan's dad wasn't so good but he tried his best (bless him) and he managed a full twenty minutes without falling over once!!!

It was great fun and something I should perhaps do again soon. I would give the experience a score of 7 out of 10 - with an extra point added for the delicious hot dog and hot chocolate that we ate / drank afterwards!


  1. Being cold & drinking hot chocolate really is the way forward :)

  2. Being cold & drinking hot chocolate really is the way forward :)


Beautiful New life