Obviously (!) I asked him what he was doing - and a rather warm discussion ensued (note - not a 'heated' discussion - just a bit 'warm').
I once had an episode in Sheffield with a neighbour to do with wheely-bins and my preferred solution was to hide inside his bin and jump out on him - thereby causing a coronary and teaching him the lesson of his life! (I didn't actually do this - it was just my over active imagination together with my love of quirky revenge tactics which prompted my mind to envisage such a scenario - but wouldn't it have been great?)
It must just be me - but why would anybody a) get upset about where a wheely bin is left for a few days, and b) summon up the energy to move it to another location. I've said it before and I'll say it again - these pensioners have too much time on their hands - we should put them to work doing something useful - like sorting the re-cycling!!! (....and that's a subject for another day - eco warriors please note!)
pensioners complaining isnt as bad as our bin issues.. we get ours collected on monday, it was left out til tuesday and we had a letter from the council saying if it wasnt removed and put back onto our property in 24 hours we would have a fine of £100! arse holes. also... i do believe that the idea of jumping out of the bin was actually sophie pilkingtons :-)
ReplyDeletepensioners complaining isnt as bad as our bin issues.. we get ours collected on monday, it was left out til tuesday and we had a letter from the council saying if it wasnt removed and put back onto our property in 24 hours we would have a fine of £100! arse holes. also... i do believe that the idea of jumping out of the bin was actually sophie pilkingtons :-)